Tuesday, July 29, 2008

July 29, 2008

This is the first Early Risers blog of Meeting Minutes! Welcome, Toastmasters and guests. 

This is a record of the weekly meetings for Toastmaster Club #2117. Visit this space for information (meeting minutes) on current weekly meetings of the Early Risers Toastmasters. Coming soon: pictures of coming meetings and video of real speeches.

Our Toastmaster, Bud, opended this spirited meeting at 6:33 AM. To those who could not join us: we missed you. Thanks to all who stepped up to do double roles for this meeting. 

Attending this meeting: Tony, Kelly, Daohua, Theo, Donna, Connie, Ann, Bud, Lee D., and Josie.

Inspiration Offered by Bud: "Today will be a good day. Make it so!" 

Awards for this meeting: 
Best Speaker - Ann 
Best Evaluator - Kelly 
Best Table Topics -  Donna

1. Daohua - "Healthy Fourth of July," speech #5 in Competent Communication manual, 5-7 minutes; Evaluated by Josie

2. Ann - "Give Your Cold Calling Skills a Workout and Become Fiscally Fit," speech #2 in Advanced Communication Skills manual, 5-7 minutes; Evaluated by Theo

3.Tony - "Effective Evaluation," speech #1 in Success Communication Series: The Art of Effective Evaluation manual, 8-10 minutes; Evaluated by Kelly

Note: All speeches within time limit, except speech 1, which went over by 19 seconds.

Toastmaster: Bud
Wordmaster: Bud, word: flippant
Ah-counter: Connie
Grammarian: Josie
TableTopics Master: Lee D.
General Evaluator: Kelly

Next week: The Toastmaster will be pulling the meeting together. Look for email about roles. See you then!

Meeting closed at 8:01 AM by Ann, who also distributed awards and made announcements.