Tuesday, October 28, 2008

28 October 2008 Meeting

Hello, hello, hello! I got behind on the entries here. And the meetings still went on without fail. I happened to be there for all the meetings since the last entry. But I was also moving across town to a new house for the first time in ten years. I got a bit distracted. 

The EarlyRisers, however, pressed on. The winter meetings happen in the dark, and they are lightly attended. Still, the atmosphere is lively and supportive. A great way to start the day.

This day's meeting was called to order by Bud, who was also the Toast Master that day.

The theme for the day: Autumn

The word of the day: harvest

Attending this meeting: Bud, Ann, Daohua, Lee D., Kelly, Theo, Mark, and Josie.

Bud offered the inspiration, paraphrasing a recent quote from England's Prime Minister, Tony Blair: "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing." 

These were the awards at this meeting:
Best speaker: Connie
Best evaluation: Josie
Best Table Topics: Daohua and Josie
(what a day!)

Speeches and speakers at this meeting:

1) Lee D., "Solar Technology," 5-7 minutes, Competent Communicator manual, speech #3. Actual delivery time: 00:06:40; Evaluated by Josie

2) Theo, "Mental Flexibility," 10-12 minutes, Mental Flexibility manual, part 4 of speech #8. Actual delivery time: 00:12:10. Evaluated by the group.

3) Connie, "A toast to my husband," 3-5 minutes, Special Occasion Speech manual, speech #3. Actual delivery time: 00:04:14. Evaluated by Lee D.

Note: All evaluations were within the time limit.

Other roles at this meeting:
Ah-Counter and Word Master: Daohua
Timer: Mark
Grammarian: Kelly
Table Topics Master: Ann
General Evaluator: Kelly

Announcements: Stephanie, the VP of Education was out sick, so we didn't go over the next schedule. Lee D. had the announcement that he would be out for the next two months. The club will be without a Sargeant at Arms during this time.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45 AM.

Monday, October 27, 2008

21 October 2008 Meeting

Greetings. The quality of daylight has now changed to reflect the autumnal days. It is now feeling that we meet at night when we arrive. Dawn is happening as we are getting through the middle of the meeting. It is lovely. At this meeting, this is what happened.

6:30 AM - Bud opened the meeting.

The theme for this meeting: "What makes you laugh and why?"
With the uncertainty and negative expectations that surround you, do you still have  a sense of humor?

Attending: Lee W., Theo, Arash, Connie, Mark, Stephanie, Bud, Tryphine, Laura, Daohua, Kelly, and Josie.

Awards at this meeting: 
Best Speaker: Daohua
Best Table Topics: Stephanie
Best Evaluator: Laura

Speakers and Evaluators for this meeting:
1. Daohua, "Artificial Lenses"; Competent Communication manual; speech #7; 5-7 minutes (actual time: 00:07:07). Evaluated by Stephanie.

2. Kelly, "An answer to a CEO's Question"; Speaking to Inform manual; speech project #1; 5-7 minutes (actual time: 00:05:19). Evaluated by Connie.

3. Lee W., "Should Palo Alto Have a Business License Tax?"; Persuasive Speaking manual; speech project #4; 7-9 minutes and 2-3 minutes for Q&A (actual time: 00:09:44 and 00:03:50).
Evaluated by Laura.

Timer's Report: Lee W. went over time; all evaluators delivery times were in time.

Roles for this meeting:
Toastmaster of the day: Josie
Inspiration: Lee W. (for Lee D.)
Ah Counter & Grammarian: Tryphine
TableTopics Master: Theo
General Evaluator: Arash
Word Master: Mark (word choice was: comic and was very well used)
Timer: Bud
Joke: Mark and Lee W.

Functionary Reports showed it was a day for Ah's and so's. Repeated words and false starts also happened. Some days just go like that. There is no replacement for paying attention.

Announcements: Stephanie announced the October 24th Area contest at Synopsys; a new schedule will be going up soon (give Stephanie your changes and adjustments); new ballots for the meetings need to be printed (Bud volunteered to make these); Josie volunteered to evaluate Stephanie as Event Chair for the 50th Anniversary celebration of a few weeks ago.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

7 October 2008 Meeting

Back to ordinary existence after contests and anniversary celebrations. Well, not really! Today we were videotaped for the District 4 television program that promotes Toastmasters on cable television. Wow. Stan the Cameraman filmed almost the whole meeting, but told us he would be editing the footage down to three minutes, including interviews at the end. We, thus, ended the meeting slightly early today to accommodate the time. 

Bud opened our meeting at 6:30 AM.

Attending: Connie (Toastmaster for the day), Daohua, Kelly, Lee W., Donna, Arash, Bud, Lee D., Jane, Stephanie, Theo, and Josie. Returning member: Tryphine (who'd been at our pancake breakfast last week); and return guest: Mark (who decided to join today. Welcome, Mark!).

The theme was "new environments" and how to adjust to them.

Word of the day: paradigm

Awards at this Meeting:
Best Speaker: Jane
Best Table Topics: Tryphine
Best Evaluation: Lee W.

Speeches at this Meeting:
1. Josie. "On Rising Early"; speech #5 in the Competent Communication manual; 5-7 minutes. Evaluated by Donna (evaluation time: 0:02:42). Actual time of speech: 0:07:00
2. Jane. "Public Speaking 101"; speech #1 in the Public Relations manual; 5-7 minutes. Evaluated by Lee W. (evaluation time: 0:03:21) Actual time of speech: 0:06:57

Other roles at this meeting:
Table Topics Master: Lee D.
General Evaluator: Theo
Joke and inspiration: Daohua
Grammarian: Stephanie
Ah-counter: Kelly

Meeting announcements: Stephanie went over next week's schedule. Arash will be taking notes for Josie who will be out of town. Jane will be Toastmaster.

Meeting adjourned: 7:45 AM