Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Early Riser's meeting 28Apr09

Open House! Come one, come all!
Coffee cake, coffee and tea in the morning; how nice.

Attending: Bud, Kathy, Josie, Lisa, Jane, Joe, Mark, Theo, Stephanie, Kelly, Tryphine. Guests: Michael, Lilia, Norm, Nik.

Toastmaster of the Day: Connie

Theme for the day: Inspiration

The Prepared Speeches at this meeting:
1) Lisa, "overview of the Drug Development Process", Competent Communicator manual speech #2; 5-7 minutes

2) Josie, "Moments of Synergy", Competent Communicator manual, Speech #10; 8-10 minutes

3) Tryphine, "Fear" by Rachel Gould; Interpretive reading; 12-15 minutes

Word of the day: plethora

- congrats to Josie for completing Competent Communicator Manual! She can now work on her TM Bronze.
- need to reach one more goal to achieve Distinguished Club award; club needs 20 members; 5 new members

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

April 21, 2009 EarlyRisers Meeting Minutes

Hi all! Josie here filling in for Connie as writer of meeting minutes. Here are the meeting minutes for yesterday's EarlyRisers' Toastmasters meeting. 

At this meeting:

Newest member, Joe, gave a moving Ice Breaker speech! Congratulations, Joe, on getting the BEST SPEECH award today!

Attending: Daohua, Kathy, Stephanie, Kelly, Joe, Theo, Mark, Bud, Lisa and Josie.

Bud opened the meeting promptly at 6:30 AM.

Toastmaster of the day: Stephanie

The theme: Going green

Inspiration: Josie --who drew a blank! Lesson: Be prepared for your role! But, this could happen in real life, after all. Stephanie, our quick-thinking Toastmaster of the day kept things moving and asked  Joe to read the inspirational thought off his Starbucks cup. There wasn't an inspiration on it today; they must have stopped doing that program. Oops. So, Joe read what was on the cup anyway: "Buy our coffee and all is good." Inspiration is where you find it.

In her role as Club President, Stephanie went over the binder that contains advanced manuals. Check it out when you get the chance.

Prepared speeches at this meeting:

1. Joe, Ice Breaker, "The Doctor's Doctor," speech #1 in the Competent Communicator manual. 4-6 minutes. Actual delivery time: 00:05:14. Evaluated by Josie (whose evaluation went over time! 00:04:00).

2. Mark, "Observations Regarding Normality," speech #4 in the Competent Communicator manual. Actual delivery time: 00:07:15. Evaluated by Theo (in 00:03:07).

3. Daohua, "High Mountain, Flowing Water," speech #1 in the Storytelling manual. 7-9 minutes. Actual delivery time: 00:08:28. Evaluated by Stephanie (in 00:03:37).

Other roles at this meeting:
Timer: Lisa
Grammarian/Ah Counter: Kathy (first time in the double role; good going!)
Wordmaster: Stephanie (the word: myriad; there was a myriad of uses of this word)
Table Topics Master: Kelly (highlights: going green is making good use of what you have, learning how to identify plants when they just sprout is tricky business, recycling bird nests is cool, growing vegetables is hard work, the planet could be anemic some day)
General Evaluator: Bud

Best Table Topics: Bud
Best Evaluator: Theo
Best Speech: Joe (Big Congratulations!)

Announcements: Club open house next week! Bring a guest, bring an appetite for breakfast treats, and bring your mug for the coffee and tea we'll be serving.

Meeting adjourned at: 8:00 AM

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Early Riser's Toastmaster meeting 14Apr09

Welcome Joe, our newest member, inducted today!

Attending: Bud, Kelly, Joe, Theo, Jane, Connie, Kathy, Daohua, Stephanie, Josie, Mark, Lisa

Toastmaster of the Day: Daohua

Theme for the day: language

The Prepared Speeches at this meeting:
1) Kathy, "Nutritional Cleansing, an Idea Whose Time has come", Speech #2, Competent Communicator manual, 5-7 minutes

2) Stephanie, "Valuing our Volunteers", Speech 3#, Specialty Speeches manual, 10-12 minutes

3)Kelly, "Monkey", Speech #1 in Speaking to Inform manual, 5-7 minutes

Club Business: Open House on April 28; come one, come all; invite friends

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Early Riser's 7Apr09 meeting

Theme of the day: Favorite songs with or without their being sung; favorite musicals (my personal favorite: My Way, as sung by Frank Sinatra)

Attending: Bud, Lisa, Tony, Laura, Kathy, Lee, Connie, Mark, Josie, Daohua, Kelly, Stephanie, Tryphine, Theo, Joe (guest)

Toastmaster of the Day: Bud

The Prepared Speeches at this meeting:
1) Lisa, Icebreaker. Speech #1 Competent Communicator. "An Immigrant's Life, from Bulgaria to the US"

2) Theo. Speech #3 Competent Communicator, Organize your speech. "How safe is your car?"

3) Connie. Speech #2 Special Occasion, Speaking in Praise. "A Tribute to Patsy Mink". (Did you know she was one of the principal authors of Title IX?)

Other Roles at this meeting:

Table Topics Master: Tony
Some memorable responses: Tryphine as Tina Turner doing "Rolling down the River"; Jose "Let the sun shine in"; Mark and "Cannibal the musical".

Club Business: Open House Apr 28. Come one, come all!

Friday, April 3, 2009

ER Officer's meeting 2Apr09

In attendance: Tryphine, Bud, Stephanie, Jane, Josie, Connie

1- Members: 12 renewed; 3 confirmed leaving; 3 no response to email

2- Goal: to become distinguished club (again); have 9/10 points; need 5 new members by June 30 (!)

3- Membership drive
....a. create flyers; URL on flyers
...........i) ER flyers at libraries, unemployment offices, coffee shops, company HR, gym, senior centers
....b. Open House on Apr 28; annoucement flyers for that; snacks; website announcement
....c. work on website (Jane + Kelly)
....d. email people who have expressed interest in ER

4- ER budget status from Tryphine

Action items
1- Bud to email members to bring in TM magazine
2- Bud to contact his speech class re ER
3- Stephanie to cover "Successful Club" Manual at some meeting
4- Tryphine to create another flyer for Open House Apr 28
5- Stephanie to sent to Jane "tracking list"
6- Mark (when he returns) to help with sign