Wednesday, December 16, 2009

UPDATED Minutes 12/15/09

MINUTES 12/15/09

A momentous final meeting of 2009.

Congratulations to freshly inducted Toaster, Steve, as well as to Joe and Mark on the completion of their Competent Communicator manuals.

To the officers who are stepping down, many thanks for your dedicated service. Those outgoing officers are: Josie as V.P. of Education; Kelly as V.P. of Membership; Tryphine as Treasurer; and Kathy as Sergeant-at-Arms. Mark will be moving from V.P. of P.R. to V.P. of Membership.

Our Current Officers:
Pres- Giselle
V.P.E.- Stephanie
V.P. M.- Mark
V.P. P.R.- Ericka
Secretary- Nik
Treasurer- Theo
Mentorship Coordinator- Joe
Sergeant-at-Arms: Kathleen

Meeting brought to order at 632 a.m. by Giselle.

Attending: Steve, Laura, Jane, Joe, Tony, Mark, Kathleen, Kelly, Theo, Phillip, Josie, Kathy, Nik, John (guest), Eileen, Stephanie, Tryphine, Giselle.

Toastmaster of the Day: Stephanie

Theme for the day: Friends

The Prepared Speeches at this meeting:
1) Joe, "Boiling the Ocean", Competent Communicator, project #10, time 8-10 minutes. Evaluated by Nik

2) Mark, "Lucky You," Competent Communicator, project #10, time 8-10 minutes. Evaluated by Theo

Other Roles at this meeting:

Inspiration by Kathleen
WordMasters: Mark and Kelly with "absence"
Timer: Josie
Ah Counter: Laura
Grammarian: Eileen

Holiday Gift Exchange led by Laura, Steve, Kathy

General Evaluator: Jane
Joke of the Day: Kelly

Awards at this meeting:
Best Table Topics: Jane
Best Evaluations: Nik and Theo
Best Speech: Joe

Club Business: Remember to R.S.V.P for the party this Sunday afternoon at Laura's.

Many thanks to Laura, Steve, Kathy and everyone else who pitched in for the gift exchange.

Meeting adjourned at: 8:02 a.m.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

12/8/09 Meeting MINUTES

To those Toasters who were ill this week, speedy recovery!
**Keep an eye out for notices about the holiday festivities.**

Meeting brought to order by Josie

Attending: Jane, Connie, Mark, Kelly, Erica, Kathy, Tony, Laura, Trypine, Stephanie, Phillip, Nik, Josie, Eileen, Steve

Toastmaster of the Day: Jane

Theme for the day: Names

The Prepared Speeches at this meeting:
1) Erica,
Icebreaker, Competent-Communicator Manual, project #1, time 5-7 minutes. Evaluated by Laura

2) Nik,
"Sound and Sense in Verse", Competent-Communicator Manual, project #7, time 5-7 minutes. Evaluated by Mark

3) Kelly,
"Introduction: From Speaker to Manual", project #1, time 10-12. . Evaluated by Stephanie

Other Roles at this meeting:

Inspiration by Eileen
WordMaster: Connie with "nomenclature"
Timer: Phillip
Ah Counter: Eileen
Table Topics Master: Tryphine
General Evaluator: Kathy
Joke of the Day from Josie

Awards at this meeting:
Best Table Topics: Tony
Best Evaluation: Mark
Best Speech: Erica

Elections coming-up. Looking forward to a big turn-out for our final meeting of 2009.

Meeting adjourned at: 8:04

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Minutes, Toastmasters 12/1/09

Welcome to Steve, who joined today as a member and will be sworn-in later in the month. Welcome too to our other visitors this morning, Frank, Gary, Josh, and Sally.

Thanks in particular to Frank, Toastmaster Division C Governor, for rising early and helping us recognize the larger context in which our group operates.

Not only did we have several guests today, but one of them gave a speech. Josh Becker gave us a preview of the issues and core beliefs he'll soon air state-wide as he contends for a spot in California's Assembly. Joining him was his business associate Frank and Sally, a former Assemblywoman for District 22.

Meeting brought to order at 632 a.m.

Attending: Mark, Josie, Laura, Ericka, Kathy, Theo, Giselle, Joe, Connie, Phillip, Stephanie, Kathleen, Nik, Kelly, Tryphine, Steve, Frank, Gary, Josh

First orders of business:
An update and greeting from Frank, division governor
Joe filled us in on his recent work as mentorship co-ordinator.

Toastmaster of the Day: Nik

Theme for the day: At the Movies

The Prepared Speeches at this meeting:
1) Josh Becker, "Why I'm Running for State Assembly." Evaluated by Kathy

2) Kathleen, "Some Thoughts on Unemployment", Competent Communicator, project 2, time 5-7 minutes. Evaluated by Tryphine

3) Connie, "Evaluate to Motivate", Better Club Series, time 5-7 minutes. Evaluated by Kelly

Other Roles at this meeting:

Inspiration from Phillip, quoting Walt Disney
WordMaster: Stephanie with "inimitable"
Timer: Joe
Ah Counter: Ericka
Grammarian: Josie
Table Topics Master: Mark
General Evaluator: Theo
Joke of the Day from Laura

Awards at this meeting:
Best Table Topics: Phillip
Best Evaluation: Kelly
Best Speech: Connie

Club Business:
*A holiday party is in the works. Special thanks to Steve for being the first to offer to organize the festivities.
* Josie is transforming the website into a powerful tool for handling club business.
*Elections approach.

** As secretary, I lapsed in posting the minutes for the Friday Nov. 20 officers' meeting. In a true testament to the efficiency of all the *other* officers, the action-points from that last meeting have already been publicized and initiated, so I'll refrain from sending out old news and resolve to be speedier the next time around. Explicit thanks are in order, however, to the members who attended that 7am meeting at Palo Alto Cafe: Giselle, Kelly, Kathleen, Kathy, and Josie.

Meeting adjourned at: 808 a.m.