Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Early Riser's 19May09

Wow! Our two new members were inducted today AND gave their first speech. (comment from Daohua)

Attending: Bud, Theo, Kelly, Laura, Jane, Mark, Nik, Giselle, Lisa, Daohua, Connie, Tryphine; guest Brian.

Toastmaster of the Day: Tryphine

Theme for the day: Positive impact. There is nothing as powerful as a positive attitude, and nothing as detrimental as a negative one.

The Prepared Speeches at this meeting:
1) Nik, Icebreaker, Competent Communicator #1. Evaluator: Connie

2) Giselle, "The best birthday present", Competent Communicator vocal variety speech. Evaluator: Laura

3)Kelly, "Ten Degrees of Attitude", Speaking to Inform #2. Evaluator: Jane

Table Topics Master: Theo

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