To those of you who missed your weekly dose of toast today: WE MISSED YOU!
Meeting brought to order at 6:31 AM by Bud.
Attending: Stephanie, Lisa, Bud, Daohua, Nik, Joe, Theo, Mark, and Josie
Toastmaster of the Day: Bud
Theme for the day: Interviewing
The Prepared Speeches at this meeting:
1) Daohua, "Car Maintenance", Storytelling manual, project #2, time 6-8 minutes. Evaluated by Stephanie.
2) Joe, "Just Be Yourself", Competent Communicator manual, project #3, time 5-7 minutes. Evaluated by Theo.
Attending: Stephanie, Lisa, Bud, Daohua, Nik, Joe, Theo, Mark, and Josie
Toastmaster of the Day: Bud
Theme for the day: Interviewing
The Prepared Speeches at this meeting:
1) Daohua, "Car Maintenance", Storytelling manual, project #2, time 6-8 minutes. Evaluated by Stephanie.
2) Joe, "Just Be Yourself", Competent Communicator manual, project #3, time 5-7 minutes. Evaluated by Theo.
Note: All speeches and evaluations were delivered within the specified time limits.
Other Roles at this meeting:
Inspiration: Josie, "Two things you must do today: First, breathe in. Second breathe out. Repeat throughout the day as often as you wish."
Other Roles at this meeting:
Inspiration: Josie, "Two things you must do today: First, breathe in. Second breathe out. Repeat throughout the day as often as you wish."
WordMaster: Mark - The word was demeanor (with puns about two bosses, one of which was "the meaner" of the two who sometimes would "demean her" subordinates with off-color remarks and outrageous requests)
Timer: Nik
Ah Counter: Daohua
Grammarian: Mark who pointed out the creative use for the use of the word/concept of TRACTION when it comes to braking after doing your own brake replacement and maintenance.
Table Topics Master: Lisa took us through some tough job interview questions and scenarios. Some highlights: true multitasking is timing your own Table Topics speech while selling yourself as a good hire and improving your speaking skills at the same time; try going to job fairs for their sheer entertainment value; the woman you want to hire will get the job done whether it has to do with physics, engineering or saving lives; pathology is secret medicine practiced by the initiated; toil long hours without pay to save your employers lots of money; deflect conflict and refocus energy to get poker playing children back on track; solve problems creatively and simply, or else try nuclear fusion.
Note: All Table Topics speeches were delivered within the 2-minute (with 30 seconds buffer) time limits.
General Evaluator: Bud
Joke of the Day: Bud. "Benny and the Jets go to the Vatican" (you had to be there)
Awards at this meeting:
Best Table Topics: Stephanie
Best Evaluation: Stephanie
Best Speech: Daohua
Club Business:
Mark is first-time Toastmaster next week! Please send your telephone numbers to Josie so the week's Toastmaster can coordinate last-minute details with you over the phone if necessary. Bud distributed fliers you can post in public places to attract new members. We want THREE NEW MEMBERS by the end of the month. Tall order? Quixotic dream? What are we waiting for?! Let's do it!
Meeting adjourned at: 7:45 AM
Meeting adjourned at: 7:45 AM
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