Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Minutes Toastmasters EarlyRiser Club 2117 for May 31, 2011

In attendance:Stephanie, Phillip, Frank, Hao, Dalia, Kamal, Uttam, Malcolm, and Eileen

Toastmaster: Eileen

Theme of the day: Decisions



Ah Counter:Frank

Grammarian: Frank

WordMaster: Frank......Word of the day: Indiscriminate

Timer: Meiji

Speaker 1:Hao ..Title: "Embrace Failure" (#2 in CC Manual)

Evaluator 1: Malcolm

Speaker 2: Dalia.. Title: "Remembering on Memorial Day" (#10 in CC Manual)

Evaluator 2: Stephanie

Table Topics Master: Kamal

General Evaluator: Uttam

Club Business: Elections next week! Some offices have multiple candidates.
Three members received CL manual reward candy.

Joke: Phillip

Friday, May 27, 2011

EarlyRisers Toastmasters meeting 5/24/11

In attendance:Hao, Steve K., Jane, Kamal, Meiji, Uttam, Phillip, Steve E., Ulla Gustafsson (guest speaker*), Frank, Dalia, Eileen, and Evan (guest)

Toastmaster: Jane

Theme of the day: Mentoring

Inspiration: Hao

Speaker 1:Phillip Mobin

Evaluator 1:Dalia Orr

Speaker 2: Steve E., "Toastmasters - A Life Mirror" (8-10 min)

Evaluator 2:Eileen

Speaker 3: Ulla Gustafsson, "Mentoring" (12-14 min.)

Evaluator 3: (round robin)

Table Topics Master: the table topics segment was eliminated owing to time

General Evaluator:Frank

Word of the day:PRAGMATIC


Ah Counter:Meiji



Timer: Uttam

Jokemaster: Hao

*Jane recommended a site on which you can sign up to speak at another club or find a guest speaker for our club. The link is shown below:

Any Toastmaster member can sign up for notifications that match clubs with guest speakers.

1. Go to the District 4 website at: http://www.d4tm.org/

2. Click on the “Speakers4Stagetime” link on the home page

3. The link will describe the group; email address: speakers4stagetime@googlegroups.com

em for Connie

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

minutes officer's meeting 18may11

In attendance: Jane, Stephanie, Steve K, Connie, Phillip, Eileen

Items under discussion, in random order:

- Officer's election to be help on June 7
- Ribbons: Steve K will request from members of unused/unneeded ribbons ; basket will be left on table for members to return unneeded ribbons; basket from Stephanie
- Jane to sent link to Connie and ?? of google group of "local" clubs seeking individuals to fill speaking/evaluating/etc roles
- Eileen present treasury balance sheet (we're still in the black, hurray!)
- Steve K to copy/make more evaluations sheets
- Comments on meeting format
....Stephanie read list of "alternative" meetings, e.g. backwards meeting, mock court
....Count total number of uses of word of the day, in addition to individuals who use the word
....View and discussion of famous speeches; how to implement? Eileen to follow up

- Club membership: contact/email other clubs that meet early in the morning about how they advertise for members (unassigned task)
- Need input on how to use gift certificate on TMI site (unassigned task)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Minutes of Early Riser's 17May2011 meeting

Present: Steve E, Kamal, Connie, Hao, Uttam, Stephanie, Manoj, Dalia, Malcolm, Eileen; welcome to our newest member, Meiji and guest Matt

Toastmaster: Steve E, with Kamal filling in part way through

Theme of the day: Beauty

Inspiration: Steve E

Speaker 1: Uttam, “Mindful Meditation helped me”; Competent Communicator Manual, Speech #3, Get to the Point, 5-7 minutes

Evaluator 1: Dalia

Speaker 2: Kamal, “Principle of Success and Happiness”, Competent Communicator Manual, Speech #3, Get to the Point, 5-7 minutes

Evaluator 2: Malcolm

Table Topics Master: Stephanie

General Evaluator: Manoj

Word of the day: scrumptious


Ah Counter: Connie

Grammarian: Connie

WordMaster: Meiji

Timer: Hao

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Early Riser's Toastmaster meeting 5/10/2100

Our Open House! Welcome guests

Attending: Steve K, Connie, Frank, Manoj, Malcolm, Jane, Eileen, Stephanie, Dalia, Kamal, Phillip and guests

Theme of the day: Goals

Toastmaster: Connie

Inspiration: Frank

Speaker 1: Manoj, "Green Energy", Competent Communicator Manual, Get to the Point #3, 5-7 minutes
Evaluator 1: Steve K

Speaker 2: Malcolm; “Skydiving for the Adventure of it”; Competent Communicator Manual, Research your topic, speech #7, 5-7 minutes
Evaluator 2: Jane

Speaker 3: Eileen; “Go Play in the Street”; Entertaining speaker Manual speech #3, Make them laugh, 5-7 minutes
Evaluator 3: Stephanie

Table Topics Master: Dalia
General Evaluator: Kamal

Word of the day: equivocal
def: subject to two or more interpetations and usually used to mislead or confuse equivocal statement>

Ah Counter: Uttam
WordMaster: Hao
Timer: Phillip

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Open House 5/10/2011

Welcome all!

The Early Risers Toastmasters Club is having an Open House on May 10, 2011. If you've ever wondered what Toastmasters is about, or ever thought about visiting our particular club, join us! Take the time to observe/participate/ask questions.

Date/Time: Tuesday May 10, 2011 at 6:30am (yes, that's 6:30 in the morning, our normal meeting time)
Location: Unity Church; 3391 MiddleField Road, Palo Alto, CA

If you need more information beforehand, send an email to vpm@club2117.freetoasthost.com

Meeting minutes 5/3/11

Toastmaster : Dalia

Theme of the day: Friendship; "your family of choice"

Speaker 1: Hao, "Stories of my Life", Icebreaker, CC Speech #1, 4-6 minutes
Speaker 2: Frank, "Selling Myself", CC Speech #9, Persuade with Power, 5-7 minutes
Speaker 3: Jane, "Road Food", Story Telling manual, Speech #2, Let's get personal, 8-10 minutes

General Evaluator: Phillip
Evaluator 1: Stephanie
Evaluator 2: Steve E
Evaluator 3: Connie

Table Topics Master: Malcolm

Wordmaster: Kamal
Inspiration: Steve K
Ah Counter/Grammarian: Eileen
Uttam: Timer