Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Early Riser's Toastmaster meeting 5/10/2100

Our Open House! Welcome guests

Attending: Steve K, Connie, Frank, Manoj, Malcolm, Jane, Eileen, Stephanie, Dalia, Kamal, Phillip and guests

Theme of the day: Goals

Toastmaster: Connie

Inspiration: Frank

Speaker 1: Manoj, "Green Energy", Competent Communicator Manual, Get to the Point #3, 5-7 minutes
Evaluator 1: Steve K

Speaker 2: Malcolm; “Skydiving for the Adventure of it”; Competent Communicator Manual, Research your topic, speech #7, 5-7 minutes
Evaluator 2: Jane

Speaker 3: Eileen; “Go Play in the Street”; Entertaining speaker Manual speech #3, Make them laugh, 5-7 minutes
Evaluator 3: Stephanie

Table Topics Master: Dalia
General Evaluator: Kamal

Word of the day: equivocal
def: subject to two or more interpetations and usually used to mislead or confuse equivocal statement>

Ah Counter: Uttam
WordMaster: Hao
Timer: Phillip

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