Tuesday, June 7, 2011

7June2001 Early Riser's Toastmasters

In attendance: Stephanie, Connie, Phillip, Meiji, Malcolm, Hao, Frank, Jane, Dalia

Toastmaster: Stephanie

Theme of the day: Weather

Inspiration: Uttam, read by Stephanie

Club business: election of new officers. Thanks to the outgoing officers, congrats to the incoming officers. Incoming President: Dalia; VPE: Stephanie; VPPR: Meiji; Secretary: Eileen; VPMembership: Malcolm...and I've forgotten who was elected Treasurer and Sgt at Arms, my apologies.

Speaker 1: Meiji, Icebreaker, Competent Communicator Speech #1

Evaluator 1: Jane

Speaker 2: Malcolm, "What We Need to Know About Dirt; Speech #8, Competent Communicator Manual

Evaluator 2:Dalia

Table Topics Master: Hao

General Evaluator: Frank

Word of the day: philistine


Ah Counter/Grammarian: Connie

WordMaster: Phillip

Timer: Phillip

Jokemaster: Frank and Phillip

1 comment:

ertmsec said...

Uttam was elected Treasurer and Hao was elected Sgt at Arms