Sunday, November 27, 2011

EarlyRisers Meeting Nov. 22, 2011

Meeting opened by Dalia on time.

In attendance: Catherine, Cheryl, Connie, Dalia, Eileen, Frank, John M., Kamal, Malcolm, Meiji, Stephanie, Steve, Uttam

The list of club offices was passed around with a request for nominations. Additionally, Dalia asked us to indicate our preferences (weekend or weekday? just us or spouses included?) for a holiday party at her house.


Theme of the day: Thanksgiving

Inspiration: Cheryl


Ah Counter: Cheryl

Grammarian: Dalia

Timer: Kamal

WordMaster: Stephanie

Word of the day: turkey (the many meanings thereof)

Speaker 1: Malcolm, "Thanksgiving," Humorously Speaking manual, #4

Evaluator 1: Frank

Speaker 2: Steve, "Talking Turkey," Entertaining Speaker manual #5

Evaluator 2: John M.

Table Topics Master: Uttam

General Evaluator: Eileen


Best Table Topics: Stephanie

Best Evaluator: John M.

Best Speaker: Malcolm

Club Business: Stephanie passed out chocolate to members whose CL manuals were filled in today. She read next week's schedule and also reminded us that there is no meeting the final two weeks in December.

Meeting ended on time at 8a.m..

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