Monday, December 12, 2011

Partial Minutes, EarlyRisers, Oct. 18, 2011

Meeting opened by Dalia on time.

In attendance:Andy, Connie, Dalia, Frank, Hao, Jane, Kamal, Malcolm, Phillip, Stephanie, Steve, Uttam and guests John, Will, Catharine, and Bobby Rey and special guest Area Governor Jennifer Richardson

Toastmaster: Jane

Theme of the day: Apple, Inc.

Inspiration: Uttam

John Lin was sworn in as a new member.


Ah Counter: Uttam

Grammarian: Frank

Timer: Connie

WordMaster: Frank

Word of the day: Prolific

Speaker 1: Andy, "A Lonely October," CC#3

Evaluator 1: Phillip

Speaker 2: Stephanie, "The 1992 Los Angeles Riots," Technical Presentations #4

Evaluator 2: Kamal

Speaker 3: Jennifer, comments

Table Topics Master: Steve

General Evaluator: Hao


Best Table Topics: ?

Best Evaluator: ?

Best Speaker:?

Club Business:

Joke: Connie

Meeting ended at

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