Monday, January 16, 2012

January 3, 2012 Meeting

Meeting opened by Dalia on time.

Attendance: Catharine, Cheryl, Connie, Dalia, Jane, John M., Meiji, Stephanie, Steve, Uttam

Toastmaster: Steve

Theme: Resolutions I Know I Will Never Keep (and that is why I don't make them)

Inspiration: Cheryl


Ah Counter: Connie

Grammarian: Connie

Timer: Catharine

WordMaster: Stephanie

Word of the day: PROGNOSTICATE [prog•nos•ti•cate]

Prepared Speeches

Speaker 1: Meiji – Time: 7:00

Speaker 2: none

Speaker 3: Dalia: What Do Parents Want and What Do They Need? Time: 7:04 Q&A Time: 2:14

Table Topics Master: Uttam


General Evaluator: Jane

Evaluator 1: John M – Time: 3:10

Evaluator 2: none

Evaluator 3: Stephanie


Best Table Topics: Tie – Dahlia, John M.

Best Evaluator: Stephanie

Best Speaker: Dahlia

Club Business: Open House Jan. 24. Dahlia will send explanatory email.

Joke: Cheryl

Meeting ended at 8:00am

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