Tuesday, June 12, 2012

ER TM meeting minutes 12June2012

Meeting opened by Dalia on time.
In attendance:  Stephanie, Frank, Uttam, John Mc, Kevin, Ying, Connie, Bobby, Kamal, Abby (guest), Cheryl, Dana, Eileen, Dalia

Toastmaster: Stephanie
Theme of the day: imagination
Inspiration: Bobby

Ah Counter:Frnak
Word of the day:inspiration
13 uses of the word, a new record!

Speaker 1: Kamal, Basic Maual #10, 8-10 minutes, "Are We Doing Enough..."
Evaluator 1: Connie
Speaker 2:  Cheryl, Basic Manual #4, 5-7 minutes, "Don't Give me the Run Around"
Evaluator 2:John Mc
Speaker 3:Abby, Impromptu, Icebreaker, 4-6 minutes " I have a Secret"
Evaluator 3:Dalia

Table Topics Master: Ying
General Evaluator:Uttam

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