Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Early Riser's 25Jan11 Open House

Theme: Idioms, idiomatic expressions and figures of speech

Break a leg fellow toastmasters !
in attendance: Steve K., Yamming, Kamal, Stephanie, Eileen, Dalia, Phillip, Jane W., Malcolm, Steve E., Frank, and 3 guests

Toastmaster: Connie
Three great speeches; difficult to pick a winner!
Stephanie: "Tying the Knot", Entertaining Manual speech #3, Make them laugh
Humorous series of short vignettes of Stephanie’s life with Norm: “I knew exactly what he was like when I first met him”
Evaluator: Malcolm

Eileen: "Reducing Rationalizations”, Entertaining Manual speech #1, Entertaining speech
What I want to do is lose weight; what I don’t want to do is diet…
Evaluator: Steve E

Dalia: Verbal Variety, CC Speech #7
How to give a speech with ”feeling?” Anchor yourself to your emotional state.
Evaluator: Frank

Table Topics: Phillip
Some great questions about idioms, and many idioms and figures of speech were used. A subset: raining cats and dogs; heads over heels; fall through the cracks; go back to the drawing board or back to square one (why square one?), no guts, no glory; bitr the bullet, shoulder you way in; push the envelope; send chills down the back of your spine

Ah Counter/Grammarian: Steve K
WordMaster: Yamming
Timer: Kamal
Inspiration: Eileen
Jokemaster: Steve K

Word of the day: salient (adj) prominent or conspicuous, relating to standing out: salient traits.

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