Wednesday, January 19, 2011

officer's meeting 19jan11

in attendance: Steven, Phillip, Malcolm, Jane W., Eileen, Stephanie, Connie

Social media:
- ER will pay for Meet-up for next 3 months, then re-evaluate the cost/performance of this website; Phillip to promote Meetup as well as Facebook, freetoast/TM website (latter 2 have no charges)
- continue Meetup if: there are N members who join and attend 3 meetings

- Malcolm to compose and send welcome letter to Phillip for use on social media sites

ER Website:
- Jane to send info about mentoring for addition to website in 3 weeks
- Stephanie to send crib sheet with info for new members for website

Distingushed club series
- Steven to discuss with Stephanie offline

Open House Jan 25
- Steven to send email for sign up sheet/request for snacks for Open House for avoid duplication

- VPM manual for Malcolm: Malcolm to see what available at training; inquires to be made of former VPM for manuals
- for next Open House, someone (who?) to inquire about trading room with AA group because this room used by AA group allows food

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