Tuesday, August 30, 2011

CONTEST 8-30-11

The meeting was opened by Dalia and began on time.

In attendance:Andy, Connie, Dalia, Eileen, Elizabeth, Hao, Jane, Kamal, Malcolm, Stephanie, Steve, Uttam, and guests, Phillip, and Guest Speaker JoAnn Goldberg.

Toastmaster:Kamal conducted today's meeting in accord with the Toastmasters International formal contest agenda.

Chief Judge, Eileen, read the Instructions to the Judges who were Elizabeth, Connie, and Steve.

JoAnn gave her test speech.

Contestant Evaluators were heard in the following order:

1. Andy

2. Dalia

3. Stephanie.

Ballots were collected and counted.

Contestants Jane and Malcolm delivered their humorous speeches in the following order:

1. Malcolm

2. Jane

Ballots were collected and counted.

As it was only 7:30a.m., Malcolm volunteered to conduct a Table Topics session.

When Table Topics ended, contest winners were announced:

Stephanie won the Evaluation Contest.

Jane won the Humorous Speech Contest.

Stephanie read the schedule for next week.

Dalia asked officers to stay behind after the meeting to decide on two pending issues.

The meeting ended a little early.

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