Monday, August 8, 2011

In attendance: Jane, Kamal, Uttam, Phillip, Steve, Dalia, Connie, Stephanie, Andy, Malcolm, Elizabeth, Hao, Eileen and guests Giora and Uriela Ben-Yaacov.

Meeting began on time.

Toastmaster: Jane
Theme of the day: DRIVING

Inspiration: Malcolm

Speaker 1: Kamal, "The Value of Reading," #4 C.C. Manual (Kamal recommendeds: How To Read a Book by Mortimer Adler)
Evaluator 1: Connie

Speaker 2: Uttam, "Soccer Game Between SJ Earthquakes and NY Red Bulls at Stanford Stadium," #6 C.C.Manual
Evaluator 2: Eileen

Speaker 3: Phillip, "The One-Day Week," Storytelling Manual #4
Evaluator 3: Stephanie

Table Topics Master: Dalia

General Evaluator: Steve

Word of the day: Assiduous

Ah Counter: Andy
Grammarian: Malcolm
WordMaster: Hao

Club business: chocolate was offered for remembering the CL Manual, from last week and for this week.

The Club was reminded of our upcoming contest for humorous speaker and speech evaluator on August 30.

The monthly business meeting will be held tomorrow. All welcome.

Joke: Eileen

Meeting ended at 8:10

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