Saturday, November 28, 2009

24 November 2009 EarlyRisers Toastmasters Meeting Minutes

Josie here covering for EarlyRisers Secretary, Nik, who was out for the Thanksgiving holiday.  

EarlyRisers moved gracefully into action at this meeting. Relatively new member, Eileen, did her ice breaker speech. Way to go! She had us transfixed with a conscious and deliberate use of "common mistakes" speakers make to make her points. It was a great performance. We also had two guests, Steve and Vishal. We look forward to your return!  Lastly, we welcomed and swore in two new members, Ericka and Phillip.  It was a full day for the ones that rise so early. 

Meeting brought to order at 6:30 AM sharp by Josie

Attending: Kelly, Phillip, Eileen, Stephanie, Kathy, Kathleen, Theo, Mark, Jane, Ericka, Joe, Josie, and two guests: Vishal and Steve. Welcome! We are so glad you joined us for this morning meeting!

Toastmaster of the Day: Kelly

Theme for the day: Identity. What are the 100 things you reveal about yourself in a public blog?

The Prepared Speeches at this meeting:
1) Eileen, "Six Decades," Competent Communicator project #1, time 4-6 minutes.  Evaluated by Mark.

2) Stephanie, "Speech Openings", Communicating on Television, project #3, time 8-10 minutes. Evaluated by Jane.

Note: All speeches and evaluations were delivered within the specified times.

Other Roles at this meeting:

Inspiration: Kathy, "If you are sick, be glad you are not dead." Whoa! Cheery thought! A relief and an inspiration.

WordMaster: Kathleen brought us this word: discern, and most of us discerned uses for this word and slipped into comments and conversation.

Timer: Kathy

Ah Counter:  Theo
Grammarian: Theo

Table Topics Master: Josie and there were some hard questions about identity and how to present yourself to a room full of Toastmasters so early in the morning. Here are some examples of how some EarlyRisers Toastmasters and guests chose to reveal themselves: Coffee person or tea person? Neither!  Manage the perceptions to impress a date? I am who I am. Cat vs. dog vs fish vs. reptile? Cat all the way. What my driver's license says about me is my biography, and I sometimes hand over my driver's license to people, like bankers, who can affect the course of my life. My other name is Crouching Tiger. I came to Toastmasters to be with people who are going somewhere in life. To protect your identity, dispose of your bank and credit card statements carefully. My favorite color is a different color every day. Hey, man, I drive a Prius for the sticker that lets me drive in the carpool lane!

General Evaluator: Joe. Joe's report included comments on the energy of the meeting and its pace.  Table Topics was challenging today. Functionary reports on Ah-counting and grammar were especially on target with the Ah-counting. Word of the day got some good use.

Joke of the Day: Brought to you by Joe. A bit of dialog that went like this:

Doctor: You have six months to live. 
Patient: Doctor, I want a second opinion.
Doctor:  Okay. You're ugly, too!

Awards at this meeting:
Best Table Topics: Mark (the Prius driver!)
Best Evaluation: Jane
Best Speech: Stephanie

Club Business:  Two new members, Phillip and Ericka were sworn in. We read the Toastmasters promise as a promise to our new members, and our new members made the promise to the club members. This is always a great moment of mutual support of one another.  
Other Club  business: We have an "election"/sign-up for New Club officers going on. At this club, we have six-month terms in this club. Each member, including new members, qualify to be an officer. We passed around a "reverse sign-up sheet," where you crossed your name off the list for the officer role position you would rather NOT fill. During the first couple of weeks of December, the lists will go around a few more times to account for those who were not present. Thanks all for participating and being clear about your role and contribution to this fine club. Your presence, participation and contributions of energy and time make this club what it is.

Meeting adjourned at: 8:00 AM

Sunday, November 22, 2009

November 17, 2009 Meeting Minutes

Josie here covering for Nik. We had a well-paced and engaging meeting last Tuesday. Thanks all for joining in. We enjoyed strong coffee and homemade baked treats from Giselle and Josie.  A cup of steaming brew was perfectly complemented by traditional jam-filled scones, melt-in-your-mouth Madelines, and decadent shortbread topped with a thick layer of chocolate and a tinge of orange. Talk about having a lot on your plate! The flavors married well with the convivial atmosphere of coming-to-wakefulness and high spirits. Did someone say "happy holidays"? Ah, Toastmasters.

Meeting brought to order at 6:35 AM by Josie.

Attending: Giselle, Joe, Kathleen, Kelly, Theo, Connie, Eileen, Mark, Stephanie, Phillip (making a second guest appearance and taking a membership application with him!), and Josie.

Toastmaster of the Day: Giselle

Theme for the day: Food, a theme you can sink your teeth into (and boy did we ever!)

The "First Course" on the menu or the Prepared Speeches at this meeting:
1) Joe, "Personalized Medicine", Competent Communicator manual, project #8, time 5-7 minutes.  Evaluated by Kelly

2) Mark, "Jury Duty," Competent Communicator manual, project #9, time 5-7 minutes. Evaluated by Connie

3) Theo, "Helmets Required," Competent Communicator project #9, time 5-7 minutes. Evaluated by Josie.

Note: All speeches and evaluations were delivered within the specified times.

Other Roles at this meeting:

Inspiration: Josie, "Three Stone Cutters story" at the opening of the meeting
WordMaster: Josie and the featured word was cornucopia (got lots of use with this food theme! Thanks, Giselle for suggesting it.)
Timer: Kathleen (nice job!)
Ah Counter: Eileen (who listened for patterns of Ah-usage, especially at the beginning of a speech when the speaker is "getting going")
Grammarian: Eileen

Table Topics Master: Stephanie who deftly facilitated the group's  varied observations about food including, "the defense of chocolate as a vegetarian option, chili peppers that make you sweat on sight, the best snack alternatives to an after-work beer, food memories of a tantalizing Swedish Smorgasbord with piled-high dishes of meats and sweets, the unappetizing aspects of taking a cooked chicken apart with bare hands, feeling virtuous about plant-based food choices and finally,  challenging your food preparing skills by cooking only the exotic vegetables delivered to your home via a delivery service."
General Evaluator: Kelly (thanks for filling in for Tryphine who couldn't join us)
Joke of the Day: Joe (No Swimming? No! Swimmng!!)

"Dessert" portion of the meeting: Awards
Best Table Topics: Kelly (hot peppers and lots of MEAT on pizza, anyone?)
Best Evaluation: Josie 
Best Speech: Mark (congratulations!)

Club Business: Officers meeting on 11/20 (already occurred as of this writing). Kelly is Toastmaster this Tuesday. 

Meeting adjourned at: 8:00 AM

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Nov. 10, 2009 Minutes for Toastmasters

Welcome to our guests, Philip, Chuck, Constantine, and Erica.

Meeting brought to order at 630am.

Attending: Erica, Constantine, Chuck, Philip, Kathy, Stephanie, Kelly, Tryphine, Nik, Giselle, Theo, Mark, Josie, Eileen, Jane, Joe, Connie.

Toastmaster of the Day: Joe

Theme for the day: Honesty

The Prepared Speeches at this meeting:
1) Kathy, "When Life Gives You Lemons", Competent Communicator Manual, project #6, time 6mins, 5 secs. Evaluated by Josie

2) Connie, Impromptu Speaking in the Better-Speaking Series, time 1min, 39secs + 5 mins, 35secs. Evaluated by Jane

3)Giselle, "Civio Update", Speeches for Management Manual, project #1, time 10mins,23secs + 5mins, 26secs for the q. and a. Evaluated by Stephanie

Other Roles at this meeting:

Inspiration: Mark
Wordmaster: Eileen with "Epic"
Timer: Nik
Ah Counter: Tryphine
Grammarian: Tryphine
Table Topics Master: Kelly
General Evaluator: Mark
Jokemaster: Theo

Awards at this meeting:
Best Table Topics: Chuck
Best Evaluation: Stephanie
Best Speech:Giselle

Meeting adjourned at: 7:01 am

Sunday, November 8, 2009



Meeting brought to order at 6:31am.

Attending: Kathleen, Tryphine, Nik, Connie, Giselle, Kathy, Theo, Stephanie, Kelly, Jane, Erica

Toastmaster of the Day: Tryphine

Theme for the day:Optimism and Pessimism

The Prepared Speeches at this meeting:
1) Kathleen, "What January 2010 Means to Me", Comp. Comm., project #1, time 4-6 minutes. Evaluated by Kathy

2) Nik, "Notes on the Creative Process", Comp. Comm., project #5, time 5-7 minutes. Evaluated by Connie

3)Jane, "ZXYZ, Inc. Opens Doors: Trade with STS", Presenting a Technical Paper, project #4, time 10-12. Actual delivery time: 00:00:00. Evaluated by Kelly

Other Roles at this meeting:

WordMaster: Theo and 'Ameliorate'
Timer: Connie
Ah Counter:Connie
Table Topics Master: Giselle
General Evaluator:Stephanie
Joke of the Day: Theo

Awards at this meeting:
Best Table Topics:Stephanie won by ballot, but graciously ceded to Kelly
Best Evaluation:Kelly
Best Speech:Nik

Club Business: **Open House this Tuesday**

Meeting adjourned at: 759am