Sunday, August 19, 2012

For information on Early Risers Toastmasters (Club 2117) please see our official web site:

John McGowan
Vice President of Public Relations
Early Risers Toastmasters

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

ER TM meeting minutes 12June2012

Meeting opened by Dalia on time.
In attendance:  Stephanie, Frank, Uttam, John Mc, Kevin, Ying, Connie, Bobby, Kamal, Abby (guest), Cheryl, Dana, Eileen, Dalia

Toastmaster: Stephanie
Theme of the day: imagination
Inspiration: Bobby

Ah Counter:Frnak
Word of the day:inspiration
13 uses of the word, a new record!

Speaker 1: Kamal, Basic Maual #10, 8-10 minutes, "Are We Doing Enough..."
Evaluator 1: Connie
Speaker 2:  Cheryl, Basic Manual #4, 5-7 minutes, "Don't Give me the Run Around"
Evaluator 2:John Mc
Speaker 3:Abby, Impromptu, Icebreaker, 4-6 minutes " I have a Secret"
Evaluator 3:Dalia

Table Topics Master: Ying
General Evaluator:Uttam

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Early Riser's meeting June 5, 2012

Meeting opened by Dalia.
In attendance: Uttam, Ying, Stephanie, Jane, John Mc, Steve, John, Hiwot, Bobby, Kamal, Kevin, James, Dana, Connie, Frank, Dalia

Theme of the day:Kid's Sports

Ah Counter:Kevin
WordMaster: James
Word of the day:amateur; 6 uses
Speaker 1:Dana, IceBreaker, Competent Communicator #1; 4-6 minutes
Evaluator 1:Stephanie
Speaker 2:Conne, IceBreaker, Competent Communicator #1, 4-6 minues
Evaluator 2: Ying
Speaker 3: John Mc, "The Computer of the Future", Technical Presentations #2; 8-10 minutes + 3-5 minutes Q&A
Evaluator 3:Jane
Table Topics Master:Kalia
General Evaluator:Kamal

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

ER TM 22May2012 mtg

Meeting opened by Dalia.
In attendance: Dalia, Bobby, Frank, Connie, Jane, Steve, John Mc, Kevin, Cheryl, and new members Dona, Hiwot

Theme of the day: Favorite meals, dishes, ocassions
Inspiration: Bobby
Ah Counter:Hiwot
Word of the day:ration

Speaker 1:Dalia,
"Parents, you are the CEO of your family", Professional Speaker Manual, #1, 15-20 minutes
Evaluator 1:Cheryl

Speaker 2:Jane
"How the Camel got his Hump" , Storytelling manual, #1; 7-9 minutes
Evaluator 2:Kevin

Table Topics Master:Steve
General Evaluator: John Mc

Meeting ended at 8:00am

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

ER TM May 8 2012

Meeting opened by Dalia at 6:32am
In attendance:Cheryl, Jane, Connie, Kamal, James, Bobby, Uttam, Stephanie, Kevin, Ying, John and guests Dona and Hiwot

Theme of the day: the Internet
Inspiration:  Ying
Ah Counter:James
Word of the day:resilient
11 uses of the word during the meeting

Speaker 1:Kevin, Icebreaker, speech #1 CC manual, 4-6 minutes
Evaluator 1:Connie
Speaker 2:Bobby, "You need 3d training!", speech #3 CC manual, 5-7 minutes
Evaluator 2:Uttam

Table Topics Master:John
General Evaluator:Jane
Meeting ended at 8am

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

February 21, 2012 Spring Contest

Meeting opened by Dalia on time 6:30 a.m.

Attendance: Malcolm Barnes, Frank Caggiano, Stephanie Charles, Steve Eliscu, Kamal Gadzhialiev, Catharine Kristian, John Lin, John McGowan, John McIntosh, Andy Mowat, Dalia Orr, Uttam Saha, Jane Watkins

Guests: Kevin Walls, Bobby Roy, Dainuri Rott

Inspiration: Dainuri Rott

Toastmaster: John Lin

Theme of the day: (Basketball)


Timer: Uttam Saha

Sargeant at Arms: Stephanie Charles


1. Dalia Orr

2. Uttam Saha

3. Frank Caggiano

4. Jane Watkins – Chief Judge + ballot counter

5. Kamal Gadzhialiev

Speech Competitors

1. Malcolm Barnes – How Toastmasters Makes Me a Better Speaker? 5:53

2. Stephanie Charles – Reaching Out 6:34

Table Topics Master: Catharine Kristian

Table Topics Competitors:

1. John McIntosh 1:24

2. Malcolm Barnes 1:34

3. Andy Mowat 1:05

4. Steve Eliscu 2:22


Table Topics 1st: Andy Mowat

Table Topics 2nd: John McIntosh

Table Topics 3rd: Malcolm Barnes

Speaker 1st: Stephanie Charles

Speaker 2nd: Malcolm Barnes

All members and guests participated in a serial storytelling.


Stephanie: Roles for Feb. 28 meeting.

Dalia: Officers’ meeting Thursday 7am at Palo Alto CafĂ©.

Joke Master: Bobby Roy

Meeting ended at 7:53am

Sunday, February 19, 2012

February 14, 2012 Meeting

Meeting opened by Dalia on time 6:30 a.m.

Attendance: Malcolm Barnes, Frank Caggiano, Stephanie Charles, Steve Eliscu, Kamal Gadzhialiev, Catharine Kristian, John Lin, John McIntosh, Phillip Mobin, Andy Mowat, Dalia Orr, Connie Oshiro, Ying Ou, Uttam Saha, Meiji Wang

Guests: Eileen Menteer, Early Risers emerita; Jennifer Richardson, Area C1 Governor

Inspiration: Connie Oshiro

Toastmaster: Phillip Mobin

Theme of the day: Literature

Word of the day: Exposition


Ah Counter: Eileen Menteer

Grammarian: Frank Caggiano

Timer: Kamal Gadzhialiev

Word Master: Stephanie Charles

Club Business:

Officer Induction

Presiding Officer: Jennifer Richardson

President: Dalia Orr

VP Education: Stephanie Charles

VP Membership: Malcolm Barnes

Secretary: Catharine Kristian

Treasurer: Uttam Saha

Sergeant-at-Arms: Kamal Gadzhialiev

Member Induction

Presiding Officer: Dalia Orr

New Members: John McIntosh, Ying Ou

Prepared Speeches

Speaker 1: Dalia Orr – What Is Child Development? Speaking to Inform #5 9:12

Speaker 2: Steve Eliscu – IP at the Core Speaking to Inform #2 8:08

Table Topics Master: John Lin

Table Topics Speakers: John McIntosh, Stephanie Charles, Eileen Menteer, Kamal Gadzhialiev, Uttam Saha, Ying Ou, Frank Caggiano, Connie Oshiro


General Evaluator: Andy Mowat

Evaluator 1: Malcolm Barnes

Evaluator 2: Meiji Wang


Best Table Topics: Tie – Kamal Gadzhialiev, Stephanie Charles

Best Evaluator: Malcolm Barnes

Best Speaker: Dalia Orr

Joke Master: Catharine Kristian

Meeting ended at 7:56am

February 7, 2012 Meeting

Meeting opened by Dalia on time 6:30 a.m.

Attendance: Stephanie Charles, Steve Eliscu, Kamal Gadzhialiev, Catharine Kristian, John Lin, Phillip Mobin, Andy Mowat, Dalia Orr, Connie Oshiro, Jane Watkins

Guests: Kevin Walls, John McIntosh

Toastmaster: Steve Eliscu

Theme of the day: Favorite Super Bowl Ads

Words of the day: Insure, Ensure, Assure

Inspiration: Steve Eliscu


Ah Counter: Andy Mowat,

Grammarian: Kamal Gadzhialiev

Timer: Catharine Kristian

Word Master: Dalia Orr

Prepared Speeches

Speaker 1: John Lin The Big Drug Problem CC Manual #4 7:08

Speaker 2: Jane Watkins – Mind Games Storytelling Manual #4 7:40

Speaker 3: John McGowan – Questioning the Avatar Hypothesis Non-manual speech 7:18

Club Business:

• Stephanie – Club speech contest is Feb. 21. Sign up to participate with speech or in table topics. We also need a contest chair and co-chair.

Table Topics Master: Elizabeth Cowley

Table Topics Speakers: Catharine Kristian 0:53, Kamal Gadzhialiev 1:07, Dalia Orr 1:06, John McIntosh 1:07, Kevin Walls 1:37, Stephanie Charles 0:53


General Evaluator: Stephanie Charles

Evaluator 1: Andy Mowat 2:13

Evaluator 2: Phillip Mobin 2:57

Evaluator 3: Connie Oshiro 2:49


Best Table Topics: Stephanie Charles

Best Evaluator: Connie Oshiro

Best Speaker: Jane Watkins

Joke Master: Connie Oshiro

Meeting ended at 7:56am

January 31, 2012 Open House

Meeting opened by Dalia on time 6:30 a.m.

Attendance: Andy Mowat, Catharine Kristian, Connie Oshiro, Dalia Orr, Elizabeth Cowley, Jane Watkins, John Lin, John McGowan, Malcolm Barnes, Stephanie Charles, Hao He, Phillip Mobin, Uttam Saha

Guests: Kevin Walls, John McIntosh

Toastmaster: Jane

Theme of the day: Introductions

Inspiration: Catharine


Ah Counter: Catharine

Grammarian: Elizabeth

Timer: Uttam

Word Master: John L.

Word of the day: Initiate

Prepared Speeches

Speaker 1: Andy How to Wakeboard CC Manual #5 (5-7 min)

Speaker 2: Malcolm – How Toastmasters Made Me A Better Speaker Humorously Speaking #2 (5-7 min)

Speaker 3: Connie – And Now for Something Complete Different (6-8 min)

Club Business:

• Stephanie – Cheryl is in Stanford Hospital, but expects to be back in February. Stephanie will deliver the Get Well card now circulating for signatures.

• Dalia – Thanked the Open House Committee: Uttam & Hao

Table Topics Master: Catharine

Table Topics Speakers: Malcolm, Andy, Catharine, John McIntosh, Uttam, John McG.


General Evaluator: John McGowan

Evaluator 1: Stephanie Charles

Evaluator 2: Uttam Saha

Evaluator 3: Dalia Orr


Best Table Topics: Malcolm

Best Evaluator: Stephanie

Best Speaker: Connie

Joke Master: John L.

Meeting ended at 7:56am

Monday, January 30, 2012

January 24, 2012 Meeting

Meeting opened by Dahlia on time 6:30 a.m.

Attendance: Andy, Catharine, Connie, Dalia, Elizabeth, Frank, Hao, John L., Malcolm, Phillip, Stephanie, Steve, Uttam

Guests: Ying Ou, Nina Ozdemir, Esther Kim

Toastmaster: Dahlia

Theme of the day: Football!

Inspiration: Dahlia filled in


Ah Counter: Uttam

Grammarian: Andy filled in

Timer: Connie

Word Master: Steve

Word of the day: Tackle

Prepared Speeches

Speaker 1: John L. – What Happens to Football Players Minds

Speaker 2: Elizabeth – Training for a Century Ride

Speaker 3: Frank – Palo Alto Lost

Club Business: Stephanie – Club speech contest coming in February. Winner moves on to Area Contest. Contact Stephanie to sign up so she can schedule the specific week convenient to the contestants.

Table Topics Master: Catharine

General Evaluator: Malcolm

Evaluator 1: Stephanie

Evaluator 2: Hao

Evaluator 3: Andy


Best Table Topics: Uttam

Best Evaluator: Tie – Andy, Stephanie

Best Speaker: Frank

Club Business: Dahlia – Open House next week. Please invite guests and sign up for food.

Joke Master: Uttam

Meeting ended at 8:05am

Agenda Notes

Open House January 31. We are inviting people who might be interested in benefitting from participating in our club. That means, not just anyone whose arm can be twisted to show up, but someone whom we have already talked to about Toastmasters. AND who might seriously consider getting up early! You will get a flyer in your mailbox; you are welcome to use it, or some of its text; or use your own. The health of our club depends on getting new members since some leave over time. Please, look at your contact list, check your Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social media you participate in, and spread the word!

Sergeant-at-Arms. We need one more board member; the formal title is Sergeant-at-Arms. The duty of coming early to open the room is now divided between some officers, so if you can donate one more early morning of your time to come to the officers' meeting (once a month Thursday 7am) the whole club will appreciate it!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

January 17, 2012 Meeting

Meeting opened by Dahlia on time.
Attendance: Catharine, Cheryl, Dahlia, Elizabeth, Frank, Hao, Jane, Malcolm, Meiji, Phillip, Stephanie, Steve, Uttam
Guests:  Ying Ou
Toastmaster:  Meiji
Theme of the day:  Travel
Inspiration:  Elizabeth
Ah Counter:  Stephanie
Grammarian:  Jane
Timer:  Phillip
Word Master:  Cheryl
Word of the day:  Equanimity
Prepared Speeches
Speaker 1:  Hao — Chinese Spring Festival
Speaker 2:  Steve – Products Don’t Matter
Speaker 3:  Uttam – Truth in Action
Table Topics Master:  Catharine
General Evaluator:  Dahlia
Evaluator 1:  Frank
Evaluator 2:  Malcolm
Evaluator 3:  Jane
Best Table Topics:  Stephanie
Best Evaluator:  Jane
Best Speaker:  Tie:  Uttam, Steve
Club Business:  —
Joke Master:  Catharine
Meeting ended at 8:10am