Saturday, February 13, 2010

Minutes 2/9/10 Toastmasters

Meeting brought to order at 631 am

Attending: Joe, Steve, Stephanie, Theo, Nik, Tony, Phillip, Laura, Ericka, Mark, Kelly, Eileen, Laura

Toastmaster (Master Control): Mark

Theme for the day: Our Robot Overlords

The Prepared Speeches at this meeting (Output):
1) Kelly, Next installment of long-running project.

2) Eileen, "My Privacy.web", Competent Communicator, project #3, time 5-7 minutes. Evaluated by Stephanie

3) Joe, Advanced Communication Series: Public Relations, project #5, time 4-6 minutes, talk; 3-5 minutes for q. & a. Evaluated by Nik

Other Roles at this meeting:

Inspiration (Initialization): Phillip
WordMaster: Theo with 'autonomous'
Timer (Atomic): Laura
Ah Counter (Protocol Droid): Steve
Grammarian (Protocol Droid): Steve
Table Topics Master: Phillip

General Evaluator (feedback): Kelly
Joke of the Day (Terminator): Ericka

Awards at this meeting:
Best Table Topics: Mark
Best Evaluation: Stephanie
Best Speech: Joe

Minutes Officers' Meeting 2/5/10 Toastmasters

Friday 2/5/2010 7am, Palo Alto, Middlefield Road

Attending: Stephanie, Mark, Theo, Giselle

Main points covered:

*We are well on our way to Distinguished Club sandwich.

* How best to keep membership numbers afloat? Ideas proposed:

Open-house event (probably in early April);

facebook publicity;


* Rent: we've paid through March

* Mentoring: an ongoing discussion. Stay tuned: a two-sided hand-out encapsulating what mentoring is all about may be in the works.

Minutes February 2, 2010 Toastmasters

Meeting brought to order at 631 a.m.

Attending: Giselle, Kelly, Laura, Jane, Steve, Eileen, Tony, Stephanie, Nik, Phillip, Mark, Joe

Toastmaster of the Day: Giselle

Theme for the day: Fear

The Prepared Speeches at this meeting:
1) Steve Koehler, Speech 2, Competent Communicator, (project #2), time 5-7 minutes.
Evaluated by Jane

2) Mark, "Toaster Oven Project Kickoff Meeting," Technical Presentations, project #1 , time 8-10 minutes. Evaluated by Eileen

3) Laura, "The Coach," Interpersonal Communication Manual, project #4, time 10-14 minutes (total of multiple sections). Evaluated by Tony

Other Roles at this meeting:

Inspiration: Phillip
WordMaster: Joe with "formidable"
Timer: Stephanie
Ah Counter: Laura
Grammarian: Laura
Table Topics Master: Kelly
General Evaluator: Nik
Joke Master: Phillip

Monday, February 1, 2010

Minutes: 1/26/2010 Toastmasters

Meeting brought to order at 6:30am

Attending: Josie, Stephanie, Connie, Phillip, Steve, Nik, Theo, Tony, Giselle, Laura, Ericka, Kelly, Mark, Eileen, Mick

Toastmaster of the Day: Josie

Theme for the day: Fun

The Prepared Speeches at this meeting:
1) Theo, "The Video Evaluation", Competent Communicator, project #10, time 8-10 minutes. Evaluated by Giselle

2) Connie, "Haircuts", Entertaining Speaker, project 3, time 5-7 minutes. Evaluated by Tony

3) Kelly, "From Speaker to Trainer [part II]", ATM/Gold project, time 10-12 minutes.

Other Roles at this meeting:

Inspiration: Ericka
WordMaster: Steve with "engender"
Timer: Eileen
Ah Counter: Ericka
Grammarian: Stephanie
Table Topics Master: Laura
General Evaluator: Mark
Joke of the Day: Phillip

Awards at this meeting:
Best Table Topics: Stephanie
Best Evaluation: ______
Best Speech: Connie

Club Business: Remember the contest on 2/16: inspiring speech; and table topics!