Tuesday, May 26, 2009

May 26, 2009

Greetings. Josie here filling in for Connie.

A small but mighty group gathered after a long Memorial Day weekend. To reenter the EarlyRisers routine with ease, we had doughnuts and coffee. Multitasking was the order of the day! Most people performed several roles for this meeting. What a challenge in concentration and attention! Thank you all for your team spirit.

Attending: Mark, Theo, Kelly, Daohua, Giselle, Lisa, Laura, and Josie

Theme for this meeting: Memories and Remembrance

Roles for this Meeting:
Toastmaster – Laura
Inspiration – Josie
Wordmaster – Daohua, word: Reminisce
Timer - Josie
Grammarian - Kelly
Ah Counter - Lisa
Jokemaster – Theo
General Evaluator - Josie

Prepared Speeches at this meeting
Speaker 1 – Mark, "Gone Fishin'," Project: Speech #5 in Competent Communicator manual, time: 5-7 minutes

Speaker 2 – Theo, "The Hood of My Car," Project: Speech #4 in Competent Communicator manual, time: 5-7 minutes

Timer's Report of prepared speech times: Josie was timer, and set the Timer incorrectly! Both speeches were little over 5 minutes, because the red light was on sooner than expected! The speakers handled the situation with aplomb.

Table Topics Master – Kelly

Timer's Report on impromptu speeches: All speeches were within time. 

Evaluation Speeches at this meeting

Evaluator 1 – Lisa

Evaluator 2 – Giselle

Evaluations were timed by Daohua. 


Best Speaker: Mark
Best Table Topics: Giselle
Best Evaluator: Giselle

Club Business – New Schedule for June and July is out. If you need to adjust and make corrections to the schedule, contact Josie with your input. See the Googlegroups page for an online copy at http://groups.google.com/group/EarlyRisers/

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Early Riser's 19May09

Wow! Our two new members were inducted today AND gave their first speech. (comment from Daohua)

Attending: Bud, Theo, Kelly, Laura, Jane, Mark, Nik, Giselle, Lisa, Daohua, Connie, Tryphine; guest Brian.

Toastmaster of the Day: Tryphine

Theme for the day: Positive impact. There is nothing as powerful as a positive attitude, and nothing as detrimental as a negative one.

The Prepared Speeches at this meeting:
1) Nik, Icebreaker, Competent Communicator #1. Evaluator: Connie

2) Giselle, "The best birthday present", Competent Communicator vocal variety speech. Evaluator: Laura

3)Kelly, "Ten Degrees of Attitude", Speaking to Inform #2. Evaluator: Jane

Table Topics Master: Theo

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Early Riser's meeting 12May09

Welcome to the on-going Early Riser's Toastmaster's meeting minutes/blog.

Attending: Bud, Stephanie, Jane, Lisa, Josie, Theo, Joe Kathy, Daohua, Connie, Kelly, guests Nik and Giselle

hurrah! Nik and Giselle agreed to join.

Toastmaster of the Day: Jane

Theme for the day: Frugal travel

The Prepared Speeches at this meeting:
1) Joe, Competent Communicator speech #2, "Economic times", time 5-7 minutes; Evaluator: Lisa

2) Kathy, Competent Communicator speech #3, "Nutritional Cleansing an idea who's time has come", time 5-7 minutes, Evaluator: Connie

3)Stephanie, Competent Communicator speech #10, "Celebrating the Merger", time 8-10 minutes; Evaluator: Kelly

Other Roles at this meeting:

Table Topics: Daohua
some frugal travel tips:
use your hotel "miles" (Jane); use Chinese tour agency and have chinese food in europe (Theo); travel and stay with relatives (Lisa); stayvacation in the backyard (Kelly)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Early Riser's TM meeting 5may09

The way to exercise is paved with good intentions

Attending: Stephanie, Daohua, Connie, Josie, Joe, Theo, Jane, Lisa, Kelly, Bud, Tryphine, Nik (guest)

Toastmaster of the Day: Kelly

Theme for the day: Physical Exercise

The Prepared Speeches at this meeting:
1) Lisa, "The Challenges of Conducting Clinical Trials", 5-7 minutes; Competent Communicator speech #3; Evaluated by Theo

2) Bud, "The Modern History of Israel, a Different Phase", 9-11 minutes; Competent Communicator Manual, speech #8; Evaluated by Jane

3)Tryphine, "Through the years", 5-7 minutes, Entertaining Speech; Evaluated by Josie

Other Roles at this meeting:

Table Topics Master: Connie
General Evaluator: Daohua