Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Minutes for meeting on 2-22-11

Minutes for EarlyRisers’ Toastmasters meeting on 2-22-11

Topic – Toys and Games

Started promptly.

Attending were: Frank, Steve E., Steve K., Stephanie, Kamal, Yanming, Malcolm, Phillip, Nik, Eileen, and Uttong (welcome back).


Wordmaster: Steve E.

Timer: Manoj

Toastmaster: Phillip

Grammarian and Ah counter: Yanming

Table Topics: Steve K.

General Evaluator: Stephanie

Kamal was Speaker No. 1, presenting his Icebreaker and treating us to his experiences on first coming to the US.

Speaker No. 2 was Frank, who shared his love of Klimpt’s painting The Virgin by not only describing it but also passing out a color print for each of us, to complete the requirements of #8 in the CC Manual.

Eileen delivered the third speech, a monologue entitled The 29 Questions Project, #3 from the Interpretive Reading Manual.

All were within time.

The energetic Table Topics questions related to the toys and games theme.

Frank was evaluated by Malcolm, Kamal was evaluated by Nik, and Eileen was evaluated by Steve E. All evaluations were within time.

The General Evaluator reminded us to call for the timer’s report before the vote, to urge people to use the word of the day, and to introduce guests and ask them if they want to participate in table topics. The question was asked if we should extend table topics even if the meeting therefore runs late instead of cutting it short like we did last week.

Business: chocolate was provided to the member who got his Competent Leader Manual filled in. The District Table Topics and Speech contest occurs on March 1. It was recommended to people that they participate. The club contest will be held next week, Yanming presiding. Statements for the club dues, $69.00, requested to be mailed to Eileen’s home by March 15, will be emailed soon. Stephanie volunteered to accept checks at the meeting and hold them for the Treausrer, if you prefer to bring them in.

Eileen won the speech contest, Malcolm won the Table Topics ribbon, and Nik was voted best evaluator.

Submitted by Eileen for Connie

Mintes for morning meeting 2-15-11

Minutes for meeting of EarlyRisers’ Toastmasters 2-15-11

Topic – Political Expression
Started promptly.

Attending were: Frank, Steve E., Steve K., Stephanie, Kamal, Yanming, Malcolm, Jane S., Phillip, Jane W., Nik, and Eileen. We had a visitor – Uttong (welcome).

Wordmaster: Eileen Word: audacious
Timer: Nik
Toastmaster: Stephanie
Grammarian and Ah counter: Frank
Table Topics: Malcolm
General Evaluator: Kamal

Steve E. was Speaker No. 1. The title of his speech (#7 in C.C. Manual) was
“How to Make Money While Really Trying.”
Steve says: “Do the work, be patient and have fun.”

Speaker No. 2 was Yanming, completing #10 in the CC Manual (out of order).
Yanming’s speech, “A Simple Look at Web Search” explained web search and described the difference between consumer and business web search models.

“Why Even Bother?,” the third speech, #10 from the CC Manual, was delivered by Steve
K., who says “The quality of your life is determined by the questions you ask.”

Both Steves were within time.

The Table Topics questions related to the topic of political expression.

Steve E. was evaluated by Phillip, Yanming was evaluated by Jane S., and Steve K. was evaluated by Jane W.. All evaluations were within time.

Business: chocolate (yumb) was provided to members who brought their Competent Leader Manuals and will be given out next week to those who get theirs filled in.

A Table Topics and Speech contest is coming up on March 1. A sign-up sheet was sent around and you can also sign up by email.

Steve K. won the speech contest, Eileen won the Table Topics ribbon and Jane W. was voted best evaluator.

Submitted by Eileen for Connie

Sunday, February 6, 2011

minutes of 2-04-11 meeting

Minutes Toastmasters Early Risers
Palo Alto Café. 2-4-11. 7a.m.

Attending: Philllip, Malcolm, Steve K., Jane, Stephanie, Eileen, and Connie

Issues discussed and resolutions:

Steve: Jane do teach-in for GE role?
Competent Leader manuals – what’s best way to get filled in?
Stay later to fill out?
Get points?
Jane: track? Let club know when we’re getting close?
Stephanie: we need two completed CL’s to get club points
First half of manual easier
Bribe? (with chocolate, like Josie used to do?)
Steve: take5 min at the end of meeting?; take time out of TT?
Do you know where your manual is?
Jane: after TT do 5 min of CL manual?
Malcolm: bring CL manual whenever have role. Look at manual and get someone to fill it out
Stephanie: wants it to be educational, (see page 76 for chart), look up role and find out about project. Read at home and do self-assessment.
Phillip: enhancement: open book at 6:25. Give to person at your left and rotate around the room. Need to improve.
Stephanie: at beg of meeting, TM ask people to dig out CL manual , give to person to your left. Also, at end, bribe with chocolate if finish.
Phillip: put leadership assignment on the agenda?
Stephanie: evaluate – how many hands up for who gets chocolate and publish the metrics (# people have manual; how many people fill it out?)

Malcolm as Vice President for Membership:
Make everyone who visits or new members feel welcome.
i.e. Greet, smile, make eye contact, positive experience, make space for them, enthusiasm
Phillip: “member since”? anyone just joined (like me?) add sticker to name tag? Or ribbon for visitors… Hand out brochure? Hand out old Toastmasters magazines?

Phillip: hasn’t been able to contribute what he wanted to -facebook, meetup
Stephanie: pick small piece of job and put it out for someone to do
Connie: how follow up with people on meetup? Answer: You can send a message to them.
Phillip: has gotten to Toasthost page and has credentials and loggin and wasn’t satisfied with photos. Interview people and take better pix.
Stephanie: ask people to submit photos?
Connie: right size photos, have to be correct aspect ratio
Phillip wants 1 minute interviews… Malcolm do interviews. Eileen can bring Flip for videos…who will volunteer to be interviewed?.

Eileen as Treasurer: need TT ribbons
Buy goodies to give away for CC and other achievements?
Stephanie: we just about meet our budget as it is.

Connie: has set up blog user ID ERTMSEC and whoever has password can use the blog (thus making things easier down the line) Need to send Connie a gmail user ID. So Connie can give people the right to be an author. And anyone can post a comment.

When meet? Fridays? (not for Eileen)
Decided: 2nd Wed of the month, 7a.m., at the Palo Alto Café.
All welcome.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Early Riser's 1Feb10 meeting

Happy 1st day of February
Attending: Malcolm, Yamming, Stephanie, Eileen, Kamal, Connie, Steve K., Nik, Steve E., Frank

Theme: cultural arts-- opera, dance, theater

Induction of Kamal to the club. Welcome Kamal!

Toastmaster: Malcolm
Inspiration: Yamming

Connie: “My Elevator speech”; non-manual speech, time: 2 minutes
Genomics, pharmacogenomics, drug discovery…
Evaluator: Steve K.

Nik: “Why study the humanities…?”; impromptu speech, time: 5-7 minutes
Evaluator: Steve E.

Table Topics: Frank
Pros and Cons/the good and the bad/the pluses and minuses of:
….chiuaua, hair under women’s armpits, Jackson’s wardrobe malfunction, Paris Hilton etc etc

Timer: Eileen
Ah Counter: Kamal
Grammarian/Wordmaster/JokeMaster: Stephanie

Word of the day: renown (n) quality of being widely honored and acclaimed; fame