Thursday, March 17, 2011

15March11 Early Riser's Toastmaster Mtg

Theme of the day: Humor, Jokes and Laughter

Toastmaster: Malcolm

Inspiration: Yamming

Speaker 1: Connie, "Cold Call", Persuasively Speaking Manual Speech #2
Evaluator 1: Steve K

Speaker 2: Uttam
Evaluator 1: Icebreaker, CC, Speech #1

Table Topics Master: Nik
General Evaluator: Frank

Word of the day: glee

Ah Counter: Dalia
Grammarian: Dalia
WordMaster: Manoj
Timer: Kamal

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

summary minutes of officer's meeting 9mar11

In attendance: Steve K, Malcolm, Stephanie, Connie
  1. Steve K to send email to ER TM about area contest on March 29
  2. Repeat of TT contest on Mar 22 ER TM meeting to select official candidate for TT area contest
  3. Steve K to mentor Uttam for next several weeks, to help work through Icegbreaker and first speeches
  4. Connie to get back to Stephanie by Fri 11Mar regarding work completing 2 Successful Club speeches
  5. Stephanie to bring up, during some ER meeting, ways/tools than can improve roles of the various functionaries:
    1. ah counter with clicker
    2. eye contact tool
    3. others??

Early Riser's 8Mar11 meeting

Theme of the day: The English Language

In attendance: Steve K, Connie, Uttam, Stephanie, Kamal, Malcolm, Frank, Steve E, Dalia, Yamming

Toastmaster: Connie

Inspiration: Kamal

Speaker 1: Malcolm, “How I got my first cast”, Speech #5 CC, 5-7 minute

Speaker 2: Frank, “A bald man talks hair”, Speech #3, CC, 5-7 minutes

Table Topics Master: Steve K

General Evaluator: Steve E

Evaluator 1: Dalia

Evaluator 2: Yamming

Words of the day: loquacious and taciturn

Functionaries: Ah Counter: Kamal; WordMaster: Stephanie; Timer: Uttam

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

1 March 2011 ER TM meeting minutes

Happy first day of March

In attendance: Malcolm, Steve E., Kamal, Uttam, Yamming, Stephanie, Steve K., Connie, Manoj

Welcome to our newest ER TM member, Manoj.

Toastmaster: Yamming

International and Table Topics Speech Contests

…and the winners are:

International speech contest: Steve K.

Table Topics: 3 way tie (!) Steve E., Steve K., Malcolm

Because the date for the area contest has not yet been set, we will defer selecting a contestant until we know who can actually attend and compete

Chief Judge and ballot counter: Stephanie

Judges for Table Topics: Uttam, Manoj, Connie

Grammarian: Steve E

Ah Counter: Uttam

Timer: Kamal

Jokemaster: Yamming

Inspiration: Connie