Monday, October 27, 2008

21 October 2008 Meeting

Greetings. The quality of daylight has now changed to reflect the autumnal days. It is now feeling that we meet at night when we arrive. Dawn is happening as we are getting through the middle of the meeting. It is lovely. At this meeting, this is what happened.

6:30 AM - Bud opened the meeting.

The theme for this meeting: "What makes you laugh and why?"
With the uncertainty and negative expectations that surround you, do you still have  a sense of humor?

Attending: Lee W., Theo, Arash, Connie, Mark, Stephanie, Bud, Tryphine, Laura, Daohua, Kelly, and Josie.

Awards at this meeting: 
Best Speaker: Daohua
Best Table Topics: Stephanie
Best Evaluator: Laura

Speakers and Evaluators for this meeting:
1. Daohua, "Artificial Lenses"; Competent Communication manual; speech #7; 5-7 minutes (actual time: 00:07:07). Evaluated by Stephanie.

2. Kelly, "An answer to a CEO's Question"; Speaking to Inform manual; speech project #1; 5-7 minutes (actual time: 00:05:19). Evaluated by Connie.

3. Lee W., "Should Palo Alto Have a Business License Tax?"; Persuasive Speaking manual; speech project #4; 7-9 minutes and 2-3 minutes for Q&A (actual time: 00:09:44 and 00:03:50).
Evaluated by Laura.

Timer's Report: Lee W. went over time; all evaluators delivery times were in time.

Roles for this meeting:
Toastmaster of the day: Josie
Inspiration: Lee W. (for Lee D.)
Ah Counter & Grammarian: Tryphine
TableTopics Master: Theo
General Evaluator: Arash
Word Master: Mark (word choice was: comic and was very well used)
Timer: Bud
Joke: Mark and Lee W.

Functionary Reports showed it was a day for Ah's and so's. Repeated words and false starts also happened. Some days just go like that. There is no replacement for paying attention.

Announcements: Stephanie announced the October 24th Area contest at Synopsys; a new schedule will be going up soon (give Stephanie your changes and adjustments); new ballots for the meetings need to be printed (Bud volunteered to make these); Josie volunteered to evaluate Stephanie as Event Chair for the 50th Anniversary celebration of a few weeks ago.

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