Tuesday, January 6, 2009

6Jan09 Early Riser's Meeting

Happy New Year! Welcome to the first meeting of the year. Good to see people again, after a 2 week break.

Meeting brought to order at 6:30 by Bud.

Attending: Bud, Josie, Laura, Jane, Mark, Theo, Daohua, Tryphine, Stephanie, Kelly, Connie

Toastmaster of the Day: Bud

Theme for the day: Doing something new this year

The Prepared Speeches at this meeting:
1) Mark, "It will be a Great Depression", Competent Communicator, project #3, time 5-7 minutes. Evaluated by Laura. Funny and positive speech about to view the depression as a Great (as in wonderful) time.

2) Daohua, "Home", Competent Communicator, project #8, time 5-7 minutes . Evaluated by Connie. Touching story about being forced to move away from home at a very young age.

3)Tryphine, "Love to Dance", time 5-7 minutes. Evaluated by Jane. Get up and dance! Fun speech about the swing, cha-cha, and salsa; and we got to participate!

Excerpts from Table Topics:
Josie: "Resoluiton to make no resolutions"
Pieter: "Resolutions are best kept in a safe"
Jane: "What motivates people to keep resolutions? Perhaps action needs to precede motivation."
Laura: "I'm going to change my eating habits. Sniff, Sniff."

Meeting adjourned at: 8:00 am

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