Monday, February 23, 2009

17 February 2009 Meeting

"Hope smiles on the threshold of the year to come, whispering that it will be happier." (Alfred Lord Tennyson). Well, we certainly hope so! Today's meeting was that little ray of sunshine in the bleakness. There has been much rain and much bleak news in the stock market and such.  Special thanks go to Tony today for fulfilling QUADRUPLE roles at this meeting with aplomb. Yowza.
Meeting brought to order at 6:30 AM by Bud.

Attending: Bud, Laura, Stephanie, Tryphine, Theo, Tony, Kelly, Mark, Josie and guests: Kathy Bibby and Sheree Lee

Toastmaster of the Day: Kelly

Theme for the day: The Staples of Life 

Inspiration: Provided by Kelly, our TM for the day. See the opening Tennyson quote above.

The Prepared Speeches at this meeting:
1) Stephanie, "Autumn", Specialty Speeches manual, project #4, time 12-15 minutes. Actual delivery time: 00:13:37. Evaluated by Mark (evaluation time: 00:03:18).

2) Laura, "Successful Negotiator", Interpersonal Communications manual, project #2, time 10-14 minutes total (three segments: overview in 4-5 minutes, role play in 3-5  minutes, and Q&A in 2-3 minutes ). Actual delivery time: 00:14:00. Evaluated by Tony (evaluation time: 00:03:18).

3) Theo, "Project Evaluations", High Performance Leadership manual project, part 3, time 5-7 minutes. Actual delivery time: 00:06:37. Evaluated by Josie (evaluation time: 00:03:39).

Other Roles at this meeting:

WordMaster: Josie, and the word was "quintessential"
Timer: Tony
Ah Counter: Tryphine
Grammarian: Tryphine
Table Topics Master: Bud facilitated a discussion on peak experiences with a great theme that encouraged a high usage of the word of the day 
General Evaluator: Tryphine
Joke of the Day: Tony (The grape gave a little whine as it was being squashed by the elephant....)
Leadership evaluator: Tony

Awards at this meeting:
Best Table Topics: Sheree Lee
Best Evaluation: Mark
Best Speech: Laura

Club Business: We need three Competent Communicator awards  + 6  NEW MEMBERS by June 2009 to fulfill the Distinguished Club program requirements. Can we do it? Yes! Then VPE Reported: The Club contests will be on March 17 and 24. One is for the International Speech Contest and the second one is the Table Topics contest. The new schedule will be out on Monday, February 23. 

Meeting adjourned at: 8:00 AM

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