Thursday, March 12, 2009

10 March 2009 Meeting Minutes

Claire was Toastmaster for the meeting on Tuesday, March 10, 2009. Lisa was inducted as a new member. Welcome, Lisa! As for the schedule, there were some quick changes to be made; because, for the first in eight years, there were two cancelled speeches! With noting to fear, the Toastmasters swiftly moved into action. Stephanie signed up to do an impromptu 7-minute speech to great effect. Way to go, Stephanie!

Attending: Claire, Stephanie, Daohua, Lisa, Kathy, Josie, Kelly, Theo, Tony, and guests, Rebecca (who found us on MeetUp) and Janine from Ohio (just passing through!).

Theme - How do you stay in touch with your friends and family
members? Recently there's been a lot of buzz around various
technologies that allows us to stay in touch with our loved ones - how
do you communicate and stay in touch with your loved ones? Do you
still write letters, phone, emails, or new social media tools such as
facebook, skype, twitter...etc???

Toastmaster: Claire Chang
Table Topics: Theo Lin
General Evaluator: Josie Weaver
S1: Neil Gavande (Cancelled!)
S2: Laura Caplan  (Cancelled!)

Prepared Speeches at this meeting

S1: Stephanie, "Just Show Up!" project #1 in Specialty Speeches manual, 5-7 minutes. Actual speech delivery time: 00:06:50. Evaluated by Daohua.

S2: Tony,  "Part Two of The Art of Effective Evaluation" as part of the High Performance Leadership project, 12-14 minutes. Actual speech delivery time: 00:14:35. Evaluated by Kelly.

Note: All evaluations were delivered within time limits.

Grammarian: Josie
Ah Counter: Kathy
Ti/WM: Bud (word: flaunt)
Joke Master: Theo 
Leadership Evaluator: Kelly
Inspiration: Stephanie Charles who read Rudyard Kipling's poem, "If" 

Awards at this meeting:

Best Table Topics speech: Kelly

Best Evaluation: Kelly

Best Speech: Stephanie

Announcements: Member dues! Remember to bring your check for $69 in ASAP. Thank you to those of you who left your checks with Bud, who will give these to Tryphine. For NEXT WEEK's MEETING: It's a "grab bag" meeting-- roles will be assigned as you come in. Be ready! Come early! Guests and new members will have a chance to do a 5-minute speech only if you want to. As a new member, you are not beholden for this grab bag meeting!  The club contest (Table Topics Contest on March 24) and Area contests (on March 27th) are coming. Bud and others are signed up for the Table Topics contest. 

Meeting adjourned at 7:56 AM. Have a great day!

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