Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Early Riser's TM meeting 5may09

The way to exercise is paved with good intentions

Attending: Stephanie, Daohua, Connie, Josie, Joe, Theo, Jane, Lisa, Kelly, Bud, Tryphine, Nik (guest)

Toastmaster of the Day: Kelly

Theme for the day: Physical Exercise

The Prepared Speeches at this meeting:
1) Lisa, "The Challenges of Conducting Clinical Trials", 5-7 minutes; Competent Communicator speech #3; Evaluated by Theo

2) Bud, "The Modern History of Israel, a Different Phase", 9-11 minutes; Competent Communicator Manual, speech #8; Evaluated by Jane

3)Tryphine, "Through the years", 5-7 minutes, Entertaining Speech; Evaluated by Josie

Other Roles at this meeting:

Table Topics Master: Connie
General Evaluator: Daohua

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