Monday, August 17, 2009


AUGUST 11, 2009

Meeting brought to order at 630am by Josie

Attending: Giselle, Kelly, Daohua, Tryphine, Nik, Stephanie, Theo, Mark, Michael, Laura, Jane, Josie, Eileen

Toastmaster of the Day: Josie

Theme for the day: Find Your Voice

The Prepared Speeches at this meeting:
1) Mark, "And it's a phone too", Competent Communicator, project # 7, time 5-7 minutes. . Evaluated by Stephanie

2) Daohua, "The Last Dream",  project # 4, time 5-6 minutes. Evaluated by Giselle

3) Jane, "Communication Conundrum", non-manual speech,  time 10-12 minutes. Evaluated by Kelly

Other Roles at this meeting:

Inspiration: Nik
WordMaster: Michael with "intrinsic"
Timer: Nik
Ah Counter: Laura
Grammarian: Laura
Table Topics Master: Theo
General Evaluator: Tryphine
Joke of the Day: Michael

Awards at this meeting:
Best Table Topics: Laura
Best Evaluation: Stephanie
Best Speech: Daohua

Meeting adjourned at: 801am

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