Saturday, December 12, 2009

12/8/09 Meeting MINUTES

To those Toasters who were ill this week, speedy recovery!
**Keep an eye out for notices about the holiday festivities.**

Meeting brought to order by Josie

Attending: Jane, Connie, Mark, Kelly, Erica, Kathy, Tony, Laura, Trypine, Stephanie, Phillip, Nik, Josie, Eileen, Steve

Toastmaster of the Day: Jane

Theme for the day: Names

The Prepared Speeches at this meeting:
1) Erica,
Icebreaker, Competent-Communicator Manual, project #1, time 5-7 minutes. Evaluated by Laura

2) Nik,
"Sound and Sense in Verse", Competent-Communicator Manual, project #7, time 5-7 minutes. Evaluated by Mark

3) Kelly,
"Introduction: From Speaker to Manual", project #1, time 10-12. . Evaluated by Stephanie

Other Roles at this meeting:

Inspiration by Eileen
WordMaster: Connie with "nomenclature"
Timer: Phillip
Ah Counter: Eileen
Table Topics Master: Tryphine
General Evaluator: Kathy
Joke of the Day from Josie

Awards at this meeting:
Best Table Topics: Tony
Best Evaluation: Mark
Best Speech: Erica

Elections coming-up. Looking forward to a big turn-out for our final meeting of 2009.

Meeting adjourned at: 8:04

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