Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Early Risers Palo Alto Jan 18 2011

in attendance:
Steve K. Stephanie, Nik, Dalia, Eileen, Frank, Steve E., Connie, Yamming, Jane S, Kamal

Theme: Frangrances, Smells and Odors

Toastmaster: Stephanie

Frank: "Lessons Learned", CC Speech #9 Persuade with Power
Description: The important role parents play in one's education; entertaining personal anecdotes describing Frank's own impact on one person's pursuit of a degree
Evaluator: Steve K.

Steve E.: "5 myths of the Stock Market", CC #7 Research your topic
The myths: 1) It's like gambling; 2) Impossible for small guy to compete with the big guys; 3) Market is short term; 4) Market is efficient and therefore difficult to make (reasonable) returns; 5) Market is just a bunch of financial engineering ie market doesn't add real value
Evaluator: Yamming

Nik: Impromptu speech, topic determined at start of meeting: "Shakespeare"
Evaluator: Jane W

Word of the Day: ephemeral
definition: lasting for a short time

Ah Counter/Grammarian/WordMaster: Dalia
Timer: Eileen
Inspiration: Nik
Jokemaster: Jane S.

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