Wednesday, March 2, 2011

1 March 2011 ER TM meeting minutes

Happy first day of March

In attendance: Malcolm, Steve E., Kamal, Uttam, Yamming, Stephanie, Steve K., Connie, Manoj

Welcome to our newest ER TM member, Manoj.

Toastmaster: Yamming

International and Table Topics Speech Contests

…and the winners are:

International speech contest: Steve K.

Table Topics: 3 way tie (!) Steve E., Steve K., Malcolm

Because the date for the area contest has not yet been set, we will defer selecting a contestant until we know who can actually attend and compete

Chief Judge and ballot counter: Stephanie

Judges for Table Topics: Uttam, Manoj, Connie

Grammarian: Steve E

Ah Counter: Uttam

Timer: Kamal

Jokemaster: Yamming

Inspiration: Connie

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