Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Minutes of Meeting August 23, 2011

Meeting started on time.

Attending: Phillip, Frank, Kamal, Jane, Connie, Dalia, Uttam, Malcolm, Hao, Andy, Stephanie, Meiji, Eileen

Theme: Elementary School

Inspiration: Kamal

Grammarian: Stephanie
Timer: Malcolm
Ah counter: Eileen
Word Master: Andy
Word of the Day: polemic

Speaker 1: Hao, Interesting Festivals, CC Manual #4, 5-7 minutes
Evaluator 1: Jane

Speaker 2: Frank, Art in the Streets, CC Manual #4, 5-7 minutes
Evaluator #2 Connie

Speaker 3: Dalia, Low Tech Geometry, Speaking to Inform Manual, #3
Evaluator 3: Uttam

Table Topics Master: Meiji

General Evaluator: Stephanie
Remember to tell the scheduler when you'll be gone, if you know.
Protocol reminders: the TM needs to be at the front of the room when the speaker finishes.
Props need to be (re-)moved by TM before the next part of the program.
Putting out the "word" in advance is a good idea (Thanks, Connie!).
Evaluators: Identifying which advanced manual is being spoken from is necessary.

Awards: Best Table Topics - Frank
Best Evaluator - Jane
Best Speaker - Hao

Business: 5 chocolates were handed out for CL manual entries.
Malcolm and Kamal are in charge of next week's contest. Kamal requested one more humorous speaker. Kamal will send emails to assign additional roles for the contest (judges, timer, etc.). We have an outside test speaker for the evaluation contest.

The meeting ended at 8:08.

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