Tuesday, September 6, 2011

EarlyRisers Meeting 9-06-2011

Meeting began on time opened by Presiding Officer Dalia who requests we bring our checkbooks to the next meeting as the dues are due.

In attendance:Andy, Dalia, Eileen, Elizabeth, Frank, Jane, Kamal, Malcolm, Phillip, Stephanie, Steve, Uttam


Theme of the day: Parenting

Inspiration: Elizabeth


Ah Counter: Andy

Grammarian: Andy

Timer: Elizabeth

WordMaster: Kamal

Word of the day: Solicitous

Speaker 1: Stephanie, Eternal Vigilance Is The Price, Technical Presentations Manual, No. 3

Evaluator 1: Phillip

Speaker 2: Steve, Happy Birthday, Entertaining Speaker Manual, #3

Evaluator 2: Eileen

Speaker 3: Jane, A Hero's Song, Storytelling Manual, #5

Evaluator 3: Malcolm

Table Topics Master: Frank

General Evaluator: Uttam


Best Table Topics: Kamal

Best Evaluator: Eileen

Best Speaker:Jane

Club Business: September 26, a Monday evening, is the date of the District Contest. Please attend to support Stephanie (Evaluation Contest) and Jane (Humorous Speech Contest). Malcolm was announced as our Webmaster.

Joke: Elizabeth

Meeting ended at 8:05.

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