Monday, August 18, 2008

August 12, 2008 Meeting

Hello again. Meeting minutes follow.

The meeting began at 6:33 AM. Claire was the Toast Master. Our president, Ann, opened the meeting with the recognition of Stephanie as a Distinguished Toastmaster. Congratulations, Stephanie! Stephanie officially completed the requirements for DTM last week with the panel discussion about the High Performance Leadership Mentoring Project she did along with Kelly and Jane. At this meeting, Ann presented Stephanie with two lovely Toastmasters wine glasses to honor Stephanie's achievement.

The Theme for this meeting: The Olympics Games

Reminder: The date to turn in club dues is September 26, 2008. Please see the email that Ann sent, or speak with Bud, our Treasurer, if you have questions. 

Attending: Claire, Ann, Bud, Stephanie, Donna, Theo, Daohua, Kelly. We had two guests today: Sumita and Mike. Thank you for coming! When asked, each of our guests said they need public speaking for the jobs. We were happy that they took home applications for membership to our group.

Awards at this meeting: 
Best Evaluator - Kelly
Best Table Topics - Donna (three in a row!)
Best Speech - Ann

Kelly offered the inspiration in the form of the story of Lin Hao, the second-grader who survived the May 12 China Earthquake that killed over 69, 000 people. Credited with keeping the spirits of his trapped classmates up by singing songs and then going back into the rubble to rescue two of his fellow students after getting freed himself, Lin was recognized at the Olympics Opening Ceremony among the many people who worked tirelessly to save lives. The story, Kelly said, illustrates the value of "looking at what needs to be done instead of looking for fame and glory." See more about Lin's story at this site.

1. Ann, "My Road to the Olympics," speech #1 in Competent Communication manual, 5-7 minutes. Evaluated by Kelly.
2. Bud, "Some Things about the Bahai Faith," speech #3, Competent Communication manual, 5-7 minutes. Evaluated by Josie.

Note: All speeches were in time limit. Three speeches had been scheduled, but one speaker could not make it today.

Roles at this meeting:
Timer - Donna
General Evaluator - Stephanie
WordMaster - Donna, word: vigorous
Grammarian and Ah-Counter- Theo
Table Topics Master - Daohua (the theme was movement, activity, and the Olympic Games)

Announcements: Stephanie announced the Humorous Speech contest and the Evaluation contest that is coming up. Kelly signed up for the Humorous Speech contest. See Stephanie for more information or if you are ready to sign up.

Meeting adjourned by Ann at 7:55 AM.

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