Tuesday, August 26, 2008

August 26, 2008 Meeting

Bud opened the meeting promptly at 6:30 AM sharp.
What an amazing meeting. We had a full house with 17 attendees. Two of the attendees were guests: Pam (returning after about a year! Nice to have you back.) and Tsilla, who was checking out the club and thinking of joining.

Attending: Stephanie (our Toastmaster for the day), Ann, Donna, Laura, Arash, Lee W., Connie, Daohua, Theo, Lee D., Tony, Kelly, Bud.

Donna gave us the Inspiration for the day: When you do anything, be sure to do it with body and soul. (This is my paraphrase.)

The theme of the meeting was Pranks and Jokes. As Toastmaster, Stephanie treated us to many stories about pranks and jokes that happened while she attended Caltech. Many of the pranks were elaborate. The one I remember in particular was the one where two students altered the scoreboard "Caltech"  at a football stadium featuring lower case letters. When the manufacturer of the scoreboard heard about this, they were more impressed than annoyed, because they hadn't designed the board to feature lower case letters.  They ended up offering the two students jobs (after the students dealt with their legal issues)!

Awards at this meeting:
Best Speaker - Daohua
Best Table Topics - Tony
Best Evaluation - Laura
Connie received her Advanced Communicator Bronze award, having completed all ten speeches in the Competent Leadership manual. Connie received two lovely champagne flutes from the club in a gesture of congratulation. Great going, Connnie!

Speeches at this meeting:
1. Daohua, "Vocal Variety"; Competent Communication manual speech #6 (vocal variety), 5-7 minutes. Actual time: 06:52.  Evaluated by Claire.
2. Theo, "Mental Flexibility: Increasing Your Conceptual Fluency"; the conclusion of Theo's Advanced Communicator Gold. 20 minutes. Actual time: 17:52. Evaluated by Laura Caplan.
Note: All evaluations were within the time limit.

Other roles at this meeting:
Grammarian: Ann
Ah-Counter: Kelly (who counted instances of the members using the word "so" as well. This was an eye-opener)
Timer: Arash
Word Master: Lee D.
Table Topics Master: Connie
General Evaluator: Josie
Joke Master: Jane (click here for the visual jokes Jane shared with us: humor for lexophiles!)

Remember that there is no meeting next week. This is a first for the club.
Get your club dues in as soon as you can. Remember the contest is coming up: Evaluation contest and Humorous Stories contest. Stay tuned.
Meeting adjourn: 8:05 AM

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