Sunday, September 14, 2008

September 9, 2008 - The Club Contest!

This meeting was dedicated to the Evaluation and Humorous Speech Contests. What an exciting meeting! The competitions were close--at testament to the talent and preparation of the competing members. Kudos to the participants and the organizers for a smooth and lively contest and meeting.

Bud opened the meeting at 6:30 AM sharp. He shared some of the historical trivia associated with this day, including the start of the Ed Sullivan Show and the invention and use of the "laugh track" in television shows. We are living in interesting times.

Attending: Stephanie (the Toastmaster for the day), Pieter (guest speaker from Toasters R Us Toastmaster group of Synopsys for the evaluation contest; click here to visit their site), Ann, Daohua, Connie, Josie, Claire, Lee. W., Lee D., Donna, Arash, Kelly, Theo.

Inspiration (offered by Ann): "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." --Margaret Mead

Since this was a contest, the meeting followed a different format. Stephanie explained the order of events, special timing requirements and rules. Then the contest began in earnest with the Evaluation Contest happening first.

Speeches at this meeting:
1. Guest Speaker Pieter Kark gave a riveting speech entitled, "World War II 1943"; it was 5-7 minutes long. Truly magical and masterful. The Evaluator contestants had their work cut out for them.

2. Short evaluations followed. Pieter's speech was evaluated by two Evaluation Contestants: Lee D., and Claire. Lee D. went first when he guessed the right number from 1 to 100. Claire left the room while Lee D. gave his evaluation, and then returned to deliver hers.

3. The Humorous Speech Contest speeches followed. 

Daohua went first when she guessed the right number form 1 to 100. Her speech was entitled, "Behind the Wheel," her story of preparing and failing her driving test and the adventure of driving itself;  5-7 minutes. She made us laugh out loud!

Kelly followed with a speech entitled, "Genius Card" which was a make-believe orientation given to new employees of a seed company.  A hoot! 

The Evaluator Contestants left the room escorted by acting Sargent at Arms, Donna. Club members were the effective judges and this was the time to vote. 

Stephanie took the opportunity to interview special guest, Pieter, who has been a Toastmaster since 2005 and worked at the Red Cross along with Stephanie. Pieter is an ex-doctor and published author besides being a gifted speaker who can mesmerize an audience!

While ballots were counted by Josie and Connie, the rest of the attendants did the Table Topic portion of the meeting. This part had an interesting format, where members were not asked questions directly but were asked to give their thoughts and reactions to certain statements the Table Topics master (Lee W.) made. This was interesting. Topics varied and members got creative in their responses.

Winners were announced (see above).

Other roles at this meeting:
Grammarian/Ah Counter - Arash
Word master - Ann (the word was "mesmerize")
Chief Judge - Connie
Ballot Counter - Josie
General Evaluator - Bud
Timer - Theo
Joke - Ann

Announcements and closing remarks:
Ann mentioned the Toastmasters Area Contest happening on September 26 in Palo Alto. Registration is 6:15 PM; contest is 7:00 PM at ERPI (address is 3412 Hillview Ave Palo Alto 94304) See the District 4 website to register to attend the Area C3/C4 contest. Please come!

Bud reminded people that semi-annual club dues are due on September 26.

Stephanie reviewed the schedule and roles for next week's meeting.

Hard copy color flyers for the 50th Anniversary were distributed.

Meeting adjourned at 8:05 AM

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