Monday, October 5, 2009

Minutes: September 29, 2009

Meeting brought to order at 630am by Bud.

Toastmaster of the Day: Theo

Theme for the day: Video Evaluations

The Prepared Speeches at this meeting:
1) Tryphine, "A Speech to Inform", Manual: Speaking to Inform, project #5 , Evaluated by Josie
2) Connie, "A Letter to Emily," Special Speeches Manual, project #2, Evaluated by Laura

3)Stephanie Charles, "The Talk Show", Manual: Communicating on Television, project #2, t 10 minutes, 19secs. Evaluated by Joe

Other Roles at this meeting:

WordMaster: Giselle and "Limelight"
Timer: Josie
Ah Counter: Kelly
Grammarian: Kelly
Table Topics Master: Nik
General Evaluator: Bud
Joke of the Day from Laura

Awards at this meeting:
Best Table Topics: Kelly
Best Evaluation: Laura
Best Speech: Tryphine

Club Business: Urgently seeking new members and bidding fond farewell to departing members: Bud, Daohua, and Michael.

Meeting adjourned at: 8:04am

1 comment:

JW said...

Thanks for the meeting minutes. By way of correction and adjustment: Kathy evaluated Tryphine's speech that day. Please don't forget to email these minutes to the group.