Friday, October 23, 2009

Oct. 20, 2009 Minutes, Toastmasters

Meeting brought to order by Giselle

Attending: Josie, Tryphine, Stephanie, Kathy, Giselle, Theo, Mark, Kathleen, Nik, Eilleen, Kelly Joe

Toastmaster of the Day: Kelly

Theme for the day:Paper

The Prepared Speeches at this meeting:
1) Joe, "Just Like Riding a Bike", Competent Communicator, project #9, time 5-7 minutes. . Evaluated by Mark

2) Stephanie, "Update on Influenza Vaccination", Communicating on TV, project #4, time 4-6 minutes for the talk, and 8-10 for the q. and a. Evaluated by Giselle

Other Roles at this meeting:

Inspiration: Josie], encouraging us to pay our bills on-line.

WordMaster: 'Decoupage' and Tryphine. Definition: Paper cut-outs used to decorate a surface.
Seen in works by Picasso and Matisse.

Timer: Theo
Ah Counter: Josie
Grammarian: Josie
Table Topics Master: Kathy and "Trick or Treat"
General Evaluator: Nik
Joke of the Day by Theo

Awards at this meeting:
Best Table Topics: Giselle
Best Evaluation:Giselle
Best Speech:Joe

Meeting adjourned at: 8:03am

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