Friday, May 27, 2011

EarlyRisers Toastmasters meeting 5/24/11

In attendance:Hao, Steve K., Jane, Kamal, Meiji, Uttam, Phillip, Steve E., Ulla Gustafsson (guest speaker*), Frank, Dalia, Eileen, and Evan (guest)

Toastmaster: Jane

Theme of the day: Mentoring

Inspiration: Hao

Speaker 1:Phillip Mobin

Evaluator 1:Dalia Orr

Speaker 2: Steve E., "Toastmasters - A Life Mirror" (8-10 min)

Evaluator 2:Eileen

Speaker 3: Ulla Gustafsson, "Mentoring" (12-14 min.)

Evaluator 3: (round robin)

Table Topics Master: the table topics segment was eliminated owing to time

General Evaluator:Frank

Word of the day:PRAGMATIC


Ah Counter:Meiji



Timer: Uttam

Jokemaster: Hao

*Jane recommended a site on which you can sign up to speak at another club or find a guest speaker for our club. The link is shown below:

Any Toastmaster member can sign up for notifications that match clubs with guest speakers.

1. Go to the District 4 website at:

2. Click on the “Speakers4Stagetime” link on the home page

3. The link will describe the group; email address:

em for Connie

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