Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Meeting minutes 5/3/11

Toastmaster : Dalia

Theme of the day: Friendship; "your family of choice"

Speaker 1: Hao, "Stories of my Life", Icebreaker, CC Speech #1, 4-6 minutes
Speaker 2: Frank, "Selling Myself", CC Speech #9, Persuade with Power, 5-7 minutes
Speaker 3: Jane, "Road Food", Story Telling manual, Speech #2, Let's get personal, 8-10 minutes

General Evaluator: Phillip
Evaluator 1: Stephanie
Evaluator 2: Steve E
Evaluator 3: Connie

Table Topics Master: Malcolm

Wordmaster: Kamal
Inspiration: Steve K
Ah Counter/Grammarian: Eileen
Uttam: Timer

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